'Not a Beat, Not a Scene'
RnB/Hip Hop | Friday 14th June 2013 | jim
Here is a short documentary, Not a Beat, Not a Scene looking at ‘The Beat Scene” in LA. It includes an assortment of better (and lesser) known artists who operate and produce in the heart of L.A. The discussions look at why L.A. has become the center for lo-fi, ambient, psychedelic beats, and the “lackadaisical stoner aspect” of the city.
The scene has been given the name “the Beat Scene” because there is no other real word for it. So many elements of music combine in the city, whether it be jazz, hip-hop, rock, electronica which all fuse together to produce what has become the L.A. sound. It started of as lo-fi music, which had a small but passionate following, but this has grown into a world-popular scene, whose influence spans into many genres.
This is not music to jump up to and pump your fist to, but to listen and enjoy music with each other. The sets encompass nearly every genre of music and this is what people like. As said in the documentary they are always looking for what hasn’t been done, if its been done before then boring…
Stand out acts from the beats scene are Shlohmo and Flying Lotus. If you haven’t listened to any L.A. beat scene then get on it, grab a beer and check it out in the sun.
written by Jim Roberts