
Miles Kane doesn't forget who he is!

Indie | Wednesday 29th May 2013 | Savannah

If Paul Weller is the mod father, than Miles Kane must be the mod son! Miles Kane is back with his second album, produced by Lightning Seeds frontman Ian Broudie. The record, Don’t Forget Who You Are, is released on June 3 and Kane has announced a few London dates to welcome in the debut! 

Kane has had a good year in music this year with his upcoming album release, a recent collaboration with Professor Green on ‘Are You Getting Enough’ (28th May), and another collaboration with Kane’s mod predecessor Paul Weller on ‘You’re Gonna Get It’ (27th February). Kane’s previous album Colour of the Trap, which came out in 2011, received relatively decent reviews.


Kane’s upcoming gigs in London (that you probably won’t want to miss):

6th June – New Slang

7th June – Dingwalls


Check out Kane’s latest single ‘Don’t Forget Who You Are’!




Savannah Tanbusch|@StopandSayHello