On the 30th of March, Suede return to Alexandra Palace
Indie | Saturday 23rd February 2013 | Tom
In 1989, the Rock and Roll society happened to be in admiration of stadium filler bands such as Def Leppard and Guns and Roses, this is also the year that would prove to be the starting point for many of the infamous 90's bands that we recognise today. The Stone Roses released their thrilling debut album that's true but around the same time, Brett Anderson stumbled upon Justine Frishmann at UCL, and along with Bernard Butler and former Smiths drummer Mike Joyce, they formed Suede and kick-started the 90's movement known as Brit-pop. With hits such as Animal Nitrate and The Beautiful Ones, they were able to gain a substantial amount of followers enabling them to force others such as Blur and The Verve to do the same. After many line-up changes and an abrupt separation in 2003, they are back with a new album Bloodsports due to come out in March.
They might not sometimes get the respect they surely deserve but they can still claim fame to a historic 90's career that inspired a generation. Alexandra Palace will once again play host to the enthralling talents of Suede, don't miss it!
Tom Willis