The Strypes on the rise.
Indie | Thursday 24th January 2013 | Tom
The rumour that Guitar Music is about to make a comeback can only be enhanced by the sound of four adolescent musicians from Ireland.
With an average age of just 15, The Strypes might be considered by some as ‘too young’ or ‘inexperienced’ if their music and appearance didn’t remind them of a few Beatles cover versions before they rose to unparalleled fame. An exquisite cover of Eddie Holland’s Leaving Here provides the listener with a detailed clue as to what these Irelanders could perhaps produce in their hopefully ‘glistening future’. The thick and fast rise to high acclaim might prompt some individuals into believing that this has all come ‘too soon’ for the Cavan quartet, yet their thrilling live shows and ‘moddish’ sound has provoked such an intriguing impact that renowned musicians such as Elton John and Paul Weller have come in search of ‘sound satisfaction’ at their shows. So if Ross, Josh, Pete and Evan are ever in need of an arm for their shoulders, they now have ‘The Modfather’ to call upon.
With a Weller duet at the infamous Abbey Road Studios and a critically acclaimed EP under their belts, all that is left to say is ‘Watch out 2013, here they come!’