NEXT TO BLOW: Sam's Nephew
Thursday 24th January 2013 | Jake
Sam’s Nephew is a talented London based alternative ‘hip hop singer’, for want of a better term. He has been making moves in the capital for a while now and 2013 is his time to blow, his debut EP ‘M O O N | tunes’ (get that here:http://samsnephew.bandcamp.com/) was released in February 2012 and has features from AyHay, Natalie Jane and Triple A, although it’s Sam’s Nephew who steals the show. I don’t really like grouping artists together as I feel people pre-judge the music before they’ve heard it when this is done, but, for you people that need to know the kind of thing you’re listening to before you download; I would say fans of artists such as Miguel, The Weeknd, Iman Omari, Justin Timberlake etc. will really be feeling this, but even if you’re not into the artists listed above I’m sure there’ll be a track or two for you on the EP.
‘M O O N | tunes’ was produced by the skilled beatmaker KennyDeeh (https://soundcloud.com/kennydeeh) and the beats are top quality, they’re really spacey (is that a word?) and futuristic, they really fit the mood of the album and are another one of the reasons I keep coming back to this EP.
We at guestlist.net have been informed that Sam’s Nephew will be releasing new music in 2013, and that something will be released on February 29th, so put that date in your phones, calendars, filofaxes (if you’re old school) etc. because it’s not going to be something you want to miss!
You may recognise the name from our little video ‘The Guestlist Network & G-Shock Present...’ from last year which featured live in-store performances from Sam’s Nephew, Lewis Bones and London based rapper AyHay among others. If you haven’t seen this before you should definitely check it out here: