NEW RELEASE: SpaceGhostPurpp - B.M.W. EP
RnB/Hip Hop | Wednesday 19th December 2012 | Jake
Florida native SpaceGhostPurpp has dropped his new mixtape 'B.M.W. EP' and if you liked 'GXX XX XXXXX' (God Of Black) and 'BLVCKLVND RVDIX 66.6' (Blackland Radio 66.6) then you will like this.
It has features from DoughDough, Nell, Simmie, Chris Travis & Ethel Wolf but most of the tape is just Purpp over his trademark dark, 90's influenced productions.
Defnitely not one to miss out on.
Download it here: http://www.datpiff.com/SpaceGhostPurrp-BMW-EP-mixtape.430979.html