Zombie Attack: Flatbush Zombies
Thursday 13th December 2012 | Jake
Ever since I first saw the video for Thug Waffle I was hooked on Flatbush Zombies.
They are trio of musicians coming from the Flatbush area, obviously, in New York City. Made up of Meech, Juice and Erick Arc Elliott they have released one mixtape, entitled 'D.R.U.G.S.' and a number of trippy videos.
Download their mixtape here: - http://www.datpiff.com/Flatbush-Zombies-DRUGS-mixtape.377648.html
Highlights of the mixtape: Thug Waffle, The Fun Song, Breakfast at ePiffanies and Chuch.
I would describe their look and sound as 'hip hop on LSD', which as it happens is one of their favourite things to talk about (check their twitter accounts: twitter.com/MeechIsDEAD, twitter.com/ZOMBIEJuicee and twitter.com/ErickArcElliott), not that this is the only topic of their rhymes;they also rap about weed and other drugs. Although the subject matter sounds quite thin, their word play and vocal skills make for thrilling listening, and I promise that you will not get bored or want to skip a single track off their debut release.
You may have heard them on the track 'Bath Salts' off the recent A$AP Mob release 'Lord$ Never Worry' (download here: http://www.datpiff.com/AAP-Mob-Lord-Never-Worry-mixtape.389380.html) where they, in my opinion, steal the show with a breathtaking verse.
Although the only planned shows at the moment are in the USA, they have enough of a following over here to warrant a visit to sunny old England at some point.
Another group to look out for in 2013.