NEW MUSIC: Catch'em ft. It'sNate - Same Old G
Thursday 13th December 2012 | Jake
New video from Ash Catch'em, this time featuring fellow London rapper It'sNate. This track is huge, Catch'ems flow is nuts and Nate goes in hard like he always does!
Here's a link where you can get Ash Catch'ems back catologue, all for free! So far he's had 4 mixtapes: Stouts & Silvers, Wray & Rollups, Baileys & Blunts and Year of the Dragon Stout. http://ashcatchem.bandcamp.com/
And here's a link to get It'sNates work, also for free! He's had 3 mixtapes so far: Never Ask Take Everything, Suede Jones Smooth Material and Never Average Talking Excellent. http://its-nate.com/ItsNateMusic