
WeirdTube: Some lunchtime links for those really odd YouTube channels…

Wednesday 12th December 2012 | Ellen


The internet has changed our lifestyles in many ways; we can lazily shop online, stay connected with friends from high school we never liked, tell the world every thought in our heads and watch endless episodes of Breaking Bad illegally. But it also serves one other, more sinister, purpose… and you can find it on YouTube. It seems, everywhere I click, someone is revealing their inner psychopath. Yes, you should never look at the comments of a YouTube video because you are certain to find a war between a hideous internet troll and an evangelical Christian about whether or not the government is coming to get us. But what about the actual video? There are a growing number if YouTube users whose soul purpose in life appears to be recording freaky shit. Don’t believe me? See below for some of the worst (or best?) weird YT content.




HowToBasic is a user whose identity remains unknown to the viewer – other than the right-hand we see smashing shit up in every video. What motivates him (I think it’s a him) to make these pseudo-sincere largely food orientated ‘help’ videos? He probably gets enough views to make a living from the adverts but was that the original intention? One thing’s for sure though; they’re bloody funny. It’s like that really, really, really good joke your favourite comedian told that your mates don’t get when you try to tell them about it. You know the punchline of  every clip but that doesn’t stop you watching every single entry on HowToBasic’s vlog. 



AMilonakis, hereby known as Andy, is an American Actor, rapper and comedian. He suffers from a hormone condition which causes him to look and sound like an adolescent, but he’s actually 36. No really. His channel into bares the line ‘welcome to planet Weirdopolus 3’ and boy, he ain’t lyin’. His videos are mostly spoof rap videos and random skits. The above is a kind of spoof ‘hoard’ (like the kind American teenage girls do when they return from holiday) in which he ‘unboxes’ a ridiculously overweight gummy bear (or is that Andy?) he has probably received for free due to his growing fame. *shudders*




David Firth is the king of creepy. Originally intended for website, but people tend to share them via YouTube these days. He has also recently(ish) ventured into stop motion, and the resulting videos are possibly even more disturbing then when they were confined to drawn animation. I’ve chosen some of my favourites here, but you can literally watch anything animated by Firth and you’re left feeling like the world is coming to an end three-and-a-half minutes later. 


Anything that might be a Japanese advert

OK, so no single YouTube user is responsible for these atrocities, but they’re still very, very (very) odd.


And finally…


It’s not just an 80s video dating montage. It’s a real 80s video dating montage.