
Settle Down, They’re Back and They’re Live

Indie | Thursday 6th September 2012 | Osh


No Doubt perform live at the NFL kick-off after an absence that lasted too long.

The first concert I ever went to, at the age of 13, was to see No Doubt in their ‘Rock Steady’ tour. I sat transfixed as this bleached blonde bombshell strut back and forth across the stage with her deep, haunting vocals resonating across the stadium. The highlight was when the opening riff for ‘Just a Girl’ played on and on, as we all cheered in anticipation for the hit that had initially made the band famous, and Stefani proceeded to lift heavy objects and complete men’s push-up, taunting us with “AM I JUST A GIRL?”

Needless to say, this woman was my idol. I am pretty sure I wore jeans with shirts that exposed my belly for a year after that life-changing gig. I continued to thank my lucky stars that I had seen the show when I did because the band split not long after. Gwen Stefani continued to break boundaries in the Pop world with her obsession with Hera Juku Girls but for me, it just wasn’t the same.

Now, we have already told you that they are back, all about their upcoming Album and I’m sure you have heard the new jamming track ‘Settle Down’ that is full of all the old No Doubt flavours with obvious progressions in sound and variety but I am proud to say that Gwen and the boys are hotter than ever performing at the NFL kick-off. Gwen Stefani’s movements are smooth and confident with her flawless vocals to back her up, and the sound produced from the band is nothing short of phenomenal. Plus we get to see that famous midriff with tartan pants that maybe you didn’t realise, but we all sorely missed. Check them out.

By Emily Kay