Alex Under Interview
House | Thursday 15th December 2011 | Osh
Following two very successful 12"s, one EP and one full length album on Trapez, plus several 12"s on his own label CMYK, Madrid's Alex Under has become one of the most sought after techno artists in Spain.
Hi Alex, how you doing?
Pretty good thanks.
Are you passionate about genres other than techno?
Yes sure, i mainly listen to death metal, punk rock and whatever music made in the 70´s. The question is if I’m passionate about techno - that I don’t know anymore.
If you had a chance would you change anything in the techno scene?
I would never have that chance, I’m not the one to change anything, I might be tired of the system, and I am but it is what it is and I have to swallow what I don’t like so I can enjoy what I do like - music.
Do you get high while you’re playing?
Hell no! I’m a nuwaubianist, and drugs and alcohol are absolutely prohibited by the religion. It’s a very open-minded religion, but it’s very clear about that.
What’s your biggest achievement so far?
In my personal life - my son. Professionally, something I like is the fact of having 5 different aliases for producing music and I’m proud of keeping 2 of them under secret. This is not an easy thing!
Whose tracks feature the most in your sets?
I love Jeffrey Haleymon, I would say he is my fave producer and his stuff fits great with any kind of mood, deep or hard stuff. I had the pleasure of playing with him a couple of times and I fell in love with his live sets.
What is the best compliment you have ever received about your productions and by whom?
I don’t know about the best compliment, but I remember the funniest one: it happened 5 minutes before I started playing in a big summer festival 2 years ago, I started playing a little bit harder and like 5-8 bpms faster, someone came and told me: "alex, you are doing great with this new fast stuff, everybody says its a friggin´ shit, but dont listen to them, i love it"
I would’ve liked him to hit me with a hammer in my nuts rather than telling me this amazing compliment. Then I felt like I was playing for this kind man while the other 59,999 people in front of me were thinking it was friggin’ shit.
What is the funniest thing that a fan has done to get your attention?
Besides from telling me the “compliment” I’ve mentioned before? em... that guy for sure got my attention but besides that and any other thing involving girls -which is not subject of a gentleman like me to tell you about I don’t recall anything at this very moment.
What techniques do you use to get your child to sleep at night, do you sing a lullaby or put on your track (lol)?
We play fifa 10 on the Wii until one of us collapses on the couch.
How has your sound developed throughout the years?
I don’t believe in sound development. I believe in the born-death cycle of the sound. I developed a kind of sound and then it came to an end, and then I started developing a new different sound, and like that.
What part of the day do you feel more powerful?
In 1995, when I was a young and irresponsible fella! Is 1995 a part of the day? I hope it is.
Thank you so much for your time Alex.. Have fun at Egg London!