We got a rock and roll confession out of Todd Terje
House | Tuesday 13th January 2015 | Cristina
Disco’s man of the moment, Todd Terje, took some time out of his busy tour schedule to chat to us ahead of his gig at the hotly anticipated Bugged Out Weekender. Among many things, we learnt that Lindstrøm bakes great bread and that Todd Terje is probably completely sober watching you gurn your face off at all his gigs. Most importantly, the Delorean Dynamite is still up for grabs. You know the one.
Hi! How’s everything going?
Not bad, thanks. Or, a little bit bad perhaps, I´m waking up at 4 o clock every morning because of my recent Australia trip.
Out of all the places you hit in 2014 touring, where’s been the best to play?
That has GOT to be the Øya in Oslo festival with my band Todd Terje & The Olsens.
I was sad not to be able to make it down to the Hydra in London for Halloween, it’s one of my favourite parties. Was it your first time playing there? What was the crowd like?
Hydra is nice. I´ve played there before, but as a DJ. Last time with the Full Pupp gang was my first live set there, which worked well. I particularly enjoyed the impromptu live cover version of Thriller with Lindstrøm after my last song. Me on Linn drums and him on space bass. Most un-quantized performance ever!
Gutted for me <3 Can you give us three obscure Todd Terje remixes from your back catalogue that new Todd fans should hear?
The Bombay Bicycle Club remix didn´t come up to the surface as much as I´d liked, probably because it was quite long and with a undanceable beat. But it´s my favourite remix to date! The Jose Gonzalez one and the Bjørn Torske samba thingie are also favourites, just because they sound pretty different.
Which Todd Terje production are you most embarrassed about? So we can go and listen to it.
It´s Time For The Terjelator! I enjoyed making it a LOT, but when I hear it now, it just annoys me.
You go for a vintage feel in a lot of your videos, using old, grainy footage – you’re bringing budget back. If you could get anyone to direct your next music video, who would it be?
To be honest, I don´t know many film makers. When I saw the Franz Ferdinand video "Evil Eye" I thought, YES, I wanna do that. But then I realized the woman who made it was a Hollywood top gun, not meant for my wallet.
Have you sold the Delorean Dynamite advertised in the music video yet? Whose idea was that anyway?
It´s actually not sold yet, can you believe it? It´s not mine though, but a guy named Frank´s. Me and the director were eating taco, and by chance one of us quickly searched the ads just in case there were any Deloreans in Norway. There was, it was even for sale. The seller liked our stupid pitch.
Which DJs exactly have used the disco dough recipe you give on your website?
I got it from Lindstrøm first. He´d been making it for a while, and everytime he brought his lunch to the studio, we were all jealous of him, so we tried it out too. I remember at a time, almost all of my DJ friends had tried it at some point.
If you could live anywhere in the world apart from Oslo, where would it be?
I like Vancouver, Kyoto, Bergen (Norway) and Lofoten (Norway). We´re actually gonna live in Kyoto for 3 months this year, looking forward to that!
You studied physics. How has that impacted your DJing/producing?
Probably for the best. Are you more disco dad or disco diva? Example?
Definitely dad. I became the "boring one" very early, stopped going to after parties at 26 years or so. Becoming a dad was just a great excuse to not have to go to parties.
OK disco dad, describe the most rock and roll weekend of your life, imagining your family would never read this.
One time I ate all the chocolate in the minibar, but only said I had one chocolate when I checked out. I don´t know if they ever found out and charged me though, I forgot to check my bank account.
You're supposed to be a role model, it's vile the depths you stoop to. As a physician and space disco pioneer, you must be the authority on extraterrestrial life. Do you believe in aliens?
I want to believe.
Do it!
You can find more Todd Terje on his website, Facebook or Twitter, and buy his latest album, It's Album Time, on itunes.