Alexander Wang x H&M Retail Launch Sells Out in Two Hours
Other | Thursday 6th November 2014 | Izaradz
The long anticipated and highly exclusive retail launch of internationally renowned Alexander Wang and H&M’s collaboration hit stores on November 6th all over the world. Throughout the UK, stores were filled to the brim with bright-eyed fashionistas, eager to get their hands on the scuba-inspired garments. The most dedicated shoppers were already in the queue from 10pm the night before.
The collection is composed of 61 pieces with a dominating black and grey winter theme. There are clear influences of active wear, with long hockey-like socks, branded sweatshirts and scuba diving suit-like dresses. You can even buy a pair of boxing gloves. Streamlined leggings, sports bras, crop tops and beanies also play a prominent role. An interactive promotion video left fans’ mouths watering for a taste of this fierce collaboration.
In the exhilarating run up to the 9am opening this morning, fashion websites including InStyle and Vogue were advising shoppers on top techniques and strategies to get the most out of the sale. Some suggested that you carefully select EXACTLY what items you wanted to purchase from the collection, others to set up the website on your browser the night before and then continue to refresh it from 5.30am this morning, ensuring a successful penetration through the chaos that was about to ensue. Did we mention that if you were planning to shop in the high street stores, you would have a maximum of 10 minutes to frantically grab your desirables and scramble to the checkout?
Less than 10 minutes after the Oxford Street store’s doors opened, security already had to hold back the mob of wild Wang enthusiasts. The queue was given wristbands in an attempt to control the footfall. Nevertheless, by 11am the Wang shelves were pretty much empty and echoed clean polished floors of the neighbouring sections. The regular H&M collections remained still and untouched. In London, the entire men’s collection sold out in five minutes, although oblivious males continued to queue well past 10am.
Almost as soon as the shelves began to look bare, it was Ebay’s time to shine. The lucky few that managed to nab a few bag full’s of these precious designs began to entice shoppers into another chance, if only a little bit more expensive… A men’s Scuba Jacket was receiving bids of over £100 000.
By 12.30 the sale had ended and many were left disappointed and empty handed. Even the website was cleaned out, with only a few pairs of leather joggers still available. This must have been a truly electric shopping trip at the H&M jungle and leaves us wondering what thrilling collaborations they have planned for the future.
See the timeline as it happened here:
By Izy Radwanska Zhang