You've got Mail at 10,000 feet.
Other | Friday 11th October 2013 | annalisemarguerita
Just think about it...you're up in the air...10,000 feet up to be exact...relaxing and snoozing until suddenly "DING DING YOU'VE GOT MAIL!"
Wi-fi only tablets are now having the ban lifted on the 10,000 feet altitude cap that is currently in place. So now we can carry on emailing whilst up in the air...yay?
The fact that one of the primary reasons for the ban being lifted is that we currently disregard these rules without consequence doesn't exactly fill me with confidence that it is entirely safe for us to be tweeting and emailing up there, in the sky. Modern planes are insulated against an electromagnetic interference that our phones could potentially give off when trying to connect to a mobile network. I don't know about you, but I'm sure that there must be hundreds of phones out there that are left on inside peoples bags, in the overhead compartments. What's to say that these aren't risking our safe flight? WHY DOES NOONE CHECK?!
How can we be so sure when we see a person sitting browsing through the internet that they have definitely clicked the 'mobile data off' button? As if the fact that we are in an object flying through the sky doesn't fill us with enough fear...
I always enjoyed the fact that my flight could consist of me sitting back and relaxing, albeit with little leg room, with my phone well and truly switched off. Bliss. I took pleasure in the fact that when I didn't reply to your email I could use the excuse that I was on a flight. Now...perhaps not?
"Would you like to connect to the Cloud?" won't have the same ring to it when you can literally see one flying past your window.