Share The Meal - The World's First App Against Global Hunger
At a time where 795 million people worldwide are suffering with malnourishment, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) have made it easier than ever to donate money to the children who need it most. By downloading ther 'ShareTheMeal' app on iOS and Android devices, you can donate enough money (35p) to feed a starving child in a country where hunger is a serious problem.
One in nine people around the world don't get enough food to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. Hunger and malnutrition are the number one risk to health worldwide - more than AIDS, malaria and tubercolosis put together; however, thankfully, hunger is a solvable problem, and feeding a child only costs only 35p a day. Due to the fact that the WFP is 100% voluntarily funded, every penny of every donation is given to those who need it most, so you can rest assured that your money is being used in a positive way!
Current Cause:
After helping to share 1.8million meals with school children in Lesotho in the Summer and Autumn of 2015 in Austria, Switzerland and Germany alone, the app has now turned it's focus to the Syrian children who are facing a fifth year in a row away from their homes.
The goal of the current campaign is to provide 20,000 Syrian school children in refugee camps in Jordan with meals for a year. These meals will help to provide them with vital nutrition to help focus on their studies rather than their empty stomachs; the fact that there are thought to be 20 times more smartphone users as there are hungry children in the world, this goal should be no problem at all!
The app can be downloaded straight to your phone here.