Jesus Now Resembles a Monkey
Other | Thursday 23rd August 2012 | Osh
Jesus now resembles a “a crayon sketch of a very hairy monkey with an ill-fitting tunic", says BBC Europe correspondent Christian Fraser.
Such is the major stuff up of 80 year old Cecilia Gimenez, who, reportedly upset at the way the Ecce Homo (Behold the Man) by Elias Garcia Martinez had deteriorated after over a hundred years of exposure to moisture decided to fix it herself.
Martinez’s fresco has held pride of place in the Sanctuary of Mercy Church near Zaragoza for more than 100 years. And let’s just say it’s been royally fucked.
Drowning in her own ineptitude, Gimenez contacted Juan Maria Ojeda, the city councillor in charge of cultural affairs.
Rather forgivingly Mr Ojeda said "I think she had good intentions. Next week she will meet with a repairer and explain what kind of materials she used.” And if it can’t be fixed the grand solution will be....covering it with a photo, genius. NOT.
The big boys have been called in with art historians expected to meet at the church soon to discuss how to proceed.
Ironically, the local centre that works to preserve artworks had just received a donation from the painter's granddaughter which they had planned to use to restore the original fresco, says one BBC reporter.
Personally, I would never dream of touching something so sacred and quite frankly out of my skill base, and clearly Mrs Gimenez’s. Although not thought to be very valuable, the fresco has great sentimental. Though not too sentimental if the church priest gave permission for the fresco to be “fixed” by someone who clearly shouldn’t even have access to a paint brush, let alone an actual painting.
By Saabeah Aforo-Addo