The Helpful Couple
Other | Thursday 25th July 2013 | Noelle
Mr & Mrs Carter Helps Community in Protest
A rally remembering Trayvon Martin was boosted by some star power on Saturday.
The family of slain teenager Trayvon Martin has recently found support in Beyonce and Jay-Z, welcoming the King and Queen for HipHop and RnB to the journey everyone hopes will lead them to justice for their son.
The couple posed for a snap with the teen’s family (picture above) shortly before joining them at the NYC rally held in his honour, the ‘Deja Vu’ performers have been lending their time and services to help the community in any possible way that they can.
Jay-Z and Beyonce quietly attended a New York City protest of Stand your ground laws, with MSNBC’s Al Sharpton; whom told the crowd “two of the baddest artist of all time” were in attendance.
The Huffington post reports that organiser Rev Al Sharpton stated that Jay-Z told him “'I'm a father. Beyonce is a mother.' We all feel the pain and apprehension -- the law must protect everybody, or it doesn't protect anybody”. Sharpton also said "We do not come from hate; we come from love of children.”
The Huffington post further stated that "Jay Z and Beyonce said they didn't want to speak and they didn't come for a photo op” Sharpton added “Beyonce put a beautiful message up on Instagram. Let me tell you that before a lot of you were down, Jay Z always supported us."
The series of protests started one week after George Zimmerman was acquitted in shooting to death Trayvon Martin; the unarmed teenager killed in Florida last year. Zimmerman claimed his act was based on self –defence. The jury’s response to this was largely must with disappointment from millions of people. A number of artists have publicly expressed their support.
Not only did Jay-Z show his support but he and Justin Timberlake also dedicated a song to Martin on Wednesday as they kicked off their co-headlining tour in Toronto. As they sang ‘Forever Young’ and Jay-Z version ‘Young Forever’ Timberlake told the crowd to sing it for Trayvon.
On Sunday, Beyonce also honoured Trayvon Matin with a moment of silence during her concert in Nashville.
Beyonce and Jay-Z maybe stars in our eyes but they also show their humility and let us know that they are also human and care about the community.
Written by Noelle Asiedu / @Missndott