Financial Survival Guide after the Festive Season
Stop Drinking!
You managed to stay sober for October, well we would advise you to keep your glasses empty for January too, it will save you quite a bit of money. On average, brits spend £7.50 a week on alcohol. If you reduce your alcohol intake in January that would kick off your savings with £30!
Quit smoking!
Not just will it will keep your lungs healthy, your hair and nails shiny and your skin beautiful but a pack of cigarettes is around £12. If you smoke a pack a day, you could actually save up for a holiday in the country of your dreams. And winter may become more bearable.
Invest in cryptocurrency:
Maybe you will never have to work again and you can join the league of Bitcoin millionaires, maybe you're too late. Too get started, we have a guide for you here
Get another job!
If you haven't got a job. Go and get one. If you have aj ob but need new skills to move along in your life, get another job. Do not waste time with lame TV and playing computer ganes when you can be progressing your life.
Fresh perspectives and ideas are needed, therefore, go ahead and get that new job in January.
Quit your job!
If you are not happy with your job because you feel creatively and financially restricted, then quit your job. It may not be the right position for you and what have you got to lose?
A new job is a source of inspiration and can put everything in perspective!
Buy your groceries in you local market:
Markets are way more cheaper than Tescos or Sainsbury’s. Fruits and veg are usually organic and taste much better than in local shops. So, go ahead, go to your local market.
Sell your stuff on ebay:
If january is equal to a new start, so, then it is about time to sell things you don’t need. We all have too much stuff anyway!
Avoid binge watching:
Try to not binge watch football, Eastenders, and other addictive programs, the more you watch the less time you will be spending doing something constructive!
We hope these tips will help you survive the festive season! Good luck!