Jackie is cinema at its finest
One of the most famous moments in American history gets adapted for the silver screen and it’s a great success.
Directed by Pablo Larraín, the film tells the story of Jackie Kennedy’s spiralling grief and anger in the days following the assassination of her then husband and President John F. Kennedy. Mrs Kennedy is played by the seriously impressive Natalie Portman, who is compelling in the role from start to finish. Portman appears in almost every single scene and you can see exactly why she’s in the running for an Academy Award.
Based on perhaps America’s favourite ever First Lady, the film is particularly significant at the moment considering what is happening in the US political landscape currently. Beautifully shot and almost dreamlike in its style, Jackie is not your typical biopic. There are a number of large sections of the film without dialogue but you never feel like it is needed or missing. These scenes are instead filled with an excellent musical score, which accompanies the elegance of the picture perfectly throughout.
Set over an extremely short space of time, Larraín manages to capture the emotional turmoil experienced by Jackie Kennedy during that period. To portray a snippet of an iconic figure with such a documented life is brave and many have questioned the accuracy of certain scenes, but the power of the film is undeniable. Despite a couple of questionable accents, Jackie is a gripping watch - possibly not for everyone but that’s for you to decide.