Introducing Tadhg Daly
After his debut single 'Learn to Live' acheived New & Noteworthy status from iTunes, and shows at the likes of Isle of Wight Festival, Boomtown Fair and Folklore Festival, folk rock artist Tadhg Daly is about to release his debut EP. We caught him for a quick chat about his plans for the year.
Hey Tadhg, how’s it going? What have you been up to recently?
I'm really great thanks. Lately I've just been working on loads of new music, surfing and the sunshine in Jersey!
You’re in the middle of some live shows at the moment, is that right? How has it been so far?
Actually no, unfortunately I had to cancel a lot of the live shows we had coming up. The timing for a longer string of shows just didn't feel right so we've postponed them for now. Got some great dates coming up in April though so just looking forward to that!
Have you got any pre-show rituals?
Before a show I usually just like to get something to eat with my friends, then have a sit down on my own and have a quick meditation to get myself grounded and focused.
Give us a bit of background - how did you get into music? And were you always into guitar music growing up?
Growing up in a large Irish family I had always been surrounded by music at family gatherings and parties, or any occasions reall,y so I think from a really young age I was always banging pots and pans (and the spoons) and showing an interest in music. My first instrument was actually the trumpet when I was 9 as I was desperate to play it but it only lasted a year or so before I turned my attention to guitar and drums! My dad came home from work one day when I was about 11 with a copy of The Wall by Pink Floyd and Final Straw by Snow Patrol for me and I remember that day as a pretty poignant one.
How did growing up in Jersey influence your sound?
I don't know if it did or it didn't really... I think everything in my life has probably shaped the way I make music in some way or another and I'm sure Jersey is one of those.
And what about other artists? Who would you say are your main musical influences?
I think my main musical influences are probably Jeff Buckley, Chadwick Stokes, and Ben Howard as writers but I really don't even know sound wise. I listen to a really wide range of stuff and I like to think it all has influence on me and my music.
Your debut EP Taghazout, named after the village in Morocco, is about to come out. What was it about that trip that was so inspiring to you?
Well for starters it was an amazing trip! But what did it for me was being in a place for the first time in my adult life where I was somewhere that people have far, far less material possessions that what I'm used to and were such happy and beautiful people regardless. It was a really eye opening experience for me and I learned a lot about myself in my time there.
Has songwriting always been such a personal thing for you? Would you be interested in writing with or for other artists?
Songwriting is a very personal thing for me yes. I can become slightly reclusive during the writing process but it's all good and the time alone is welcomed! Right now I'm not interested in working with other people on my own music and I'm not sure that I ever will be. I do however have some songs that I don't feel are for me to sing, so for those I think at some point I'd like to give them to a singer who would embrace them and deliver them properly!
Your sister Aine features on backing vocals on ‘Don’t Tell Me’, was that planned or a spontaneous moment in the studio?
She actually features on all the songs on the record! The big vocals at the end of 'Don't Tell Me' were actually the only ones not planned I think! I had tried to lay something down at the end of the song for hours but I couldn't sing what I wanted to hear, so Aine just walked into the vocal booth, put on the headphones and laid down that vocal off the top of her head, and Shuta (the engineer) had recorded it so we just didn't touch it. She did it in one take and she really is amazing like that!
Will you be working together on more music?
I'll always offer my sister the job of backing vocals until the day she is too busy for me! Not because she is my sister but because she is a fantastic artist!
Festival season is approaching, are there any that you’re playing at or going to that you’re particularly excited about?
Nothing set in stone just yet but I have no doubt it's going to be a great summer. Right now I'm more focussed on writing new material and getting in the studio.
If you could play a gig anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Either somewhere in Peru or Iceland! No idea why!
What are you most looking forward to for 2016?
I don't think anything in particular! just the whole thing really; writing music, surfing, traveling and enjoying life!
What are you most in love with right now?
Umm I'm not too sure how to answer that haha. I guess my girlfriend would be the proper answer but I'd have to say my surfboard if I'm being honest (sorry Rae).
If you could fill a swimming pool with anything, what would it be and why?
Blueberries no doubt. I could spend the rest of my days flat out eating them no doubt.
What one song or piece of music changed your life and why?
'Lover You Should Have Come Over' by Jeff Buckley because it just breaks my heart everytime I hear it played, still about 10 years after hearing it first and that's such a powerful thing.
And if you could eradicate one song from the history of music, what would it be?
'Photograph' - Nickleback.
What’s your life motto?
Stay positive, grounded and in the moment.
Follow Tadhg on Twitter. His debut EP Taghazout is out March 25th.