
Poverty Porn

Other | Tuesday 26th January 2016 | Omari


Africa has been depicted globally as a suffering, poverty stricken and incapable continent, propped up by the generosity of western countires. This is not true. Africa has been supporting the west. Without her natural resources, our currencies would be worthless. 

We'd like to dispel some of the misconceptions surounding Africa's global image. 


Africa as a continent is not dependent on the west for support.

Despite the constant image of poverty and suffering depicted in the media, Africa is home to 6 of the worlds top 13 fastest growing economies in the world according to the World Bank: 

(Warning these pictures may change perceptions)

Rwanda comes 12th beating out China

(Kigali, Rwanda. Source: Capital Market Economy Rwanda)


Tanzania comes in at 11th

(Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Source: Continent Observer)


Mozambique is 10th

(Maputo, Mozambique. Source Safari Daily.)


Cote d'Ivorie takes 6th place

(Source: The Daily Beast: Cote d'Ivoire, Yamoussoukro Cathedral)


3rd place goes to the Democratic Republic of Congo

(Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo)


Ethiopia has the fastest growing economy in the world 

(Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Source:


The growth in Africa can't be denied and though there is poverty, 1 in 3 African people are middle-class according to Mehdi Hasan of Al jazeera

(Mehdi Hasan, Al Jazeera)


Similarly, Mallence Bart Williams outlines the truth of western dependance on African natural resources, specifically those extracted from Sierra Leone.

The global perception of Africa needs to change and resources that are taken by the west should be bought fairly and at their true value. This would empower the continent and move its contries towards true self-determination, whilst also providing real assistance to those in need.