Barack Obama: The world's most powerful house head
House |
Tuesday 7th July 2015 | Arren
There are many career boosts and milestones that a DJ or collective can reach and feel proud of; a residence at a reputable nightclub, bookings across the globe, receiving a headlining slot are all big moments, but you wouldn't expect a shout out from Barack Obama to be on that list. The legendary Chosen Few DJs from Chicago can add it to the list though, as they recieved their shout out last weekend.
The president of USA gave them a mention this July 4th after clearly feeling a little low about his absence from the Chosen Few Picnic’s 25th anniversary in Chicago’s Jackson Park. The old school reunion picnic began in 1990 and has slowly grown to be one of the largest music events in Chicago, the city that gave the world house music.
It's nice to know that one of the world’s most powerful men appreciates real house music, but will Jack’s house become Barack’s house?