WICKED 7 EGG - BIRTHDAY BASH & SUPERNOVA pre-party 21-3-2015
House | Tuesday 31st March 2015 | Annalisa
Guestlist caught up with Angela Caruccio from Wicked 7.
Where are you now and what are you up to?
I am in my WICKED 7 office replying to all the lovely messages and loving the great feedback about our 1st WICKED 7 event – Birthday Bash & Supernova pre-party that we did at EGG LDN loft on the 21st March 2015.
Tell us about your brand and its ethos?
WICKED 7 LTD is a creative business support, an advertising brand. I am the one who has created this new platform but it is now owned by its shareholders who are selected professionals, from all kinds of businesses, from within the lifestyle of the makers and shakers of the international electronic music industry.
It has the aim to give a proper business bone structure to the electronic music industry that it is a very wealthy industry and it has a great deal of positive and inspiring creative activities among its peers but without a proper business bone structure the electronic music club industry is always under threat and will always risk its clubs being shut down continuously.
WICKED 7 has projected a strategy that helps clubs, events and advertising industry to regain credibility and reputation by creating a brand that has business trust. A proper limited company, with a professional management system in place and a service agency that among many services offers “Business Start Ups” and “training” in how to be a creative artist in a professional way; Wicked 7 has created an event format that will be unique of its kind, that is gaining respect and credibility thanks to its concept that has never been done before. WICKED 7 will be a business event that showcases all creative arts from within our culture, all djs and producers who have been selected, formed and assessed before being invited to be in our exclusive business network; at the same time WICKED 7 will run club & event awards and more. All artists are properly vetted and we offer nothing but quality even if our artists are not famous yet 100% assured is the level of professionalism and quality, which is why our brand is well linked with education system, councils etc. Wicked 7 has created a format that will look after customer service, artists service through its service agency and it will offer local community service with its awareness and fundraising for Mental Health, Creative Business and Climate Change.
You just had event @ Egg night club which was a great success, what are your plans for this summer?
Saturday 21st March, we started the Wicked 7 events in Egg and it was a birthday bash of 3 Wicked 7 shareholders, myself, Luke Soloducha (MOTION SIGNS) and VANESSA SIMON an interior designer. A wicked 7 birthday bash while at the same time we were the official Supernova event pre-party. Hans Hess, Supernova promoter is also a wicked 7 shareholder, it was a business party really and a Wicked 7 pre-launch event mainly. We had all shareholders and associate djs playing at our event: FLY HIGH Recordings label owner Radu Cristian with his partner A.L.C.A. and one of his main label dj THE REAL XPERIENCE; we had LOVE PUPPY promoter, now practising the art of dj STAN MITCHELL as well as DIGITAL MIKE, LUY G, GREG GRENDY and SCORN. These are not big headliner djs but new talents that the WICKED 7 NETWORK has discovered and are now growing as professional djs. We are industry people, we don’t need a big star dj to guarantee the quality of the music, and we prefer to run corporate events, member’s events where the quality of the people is more important than anything. Quality people do like everything that is quality; they enjoy a quality lifestyle which includes quality music, drinks and venue. We like to give a service to the heads in the industry who don’t like to go out surrounded by the mass which is normally attracted by star djs but prefer a more intimate and cosy environments. We aim to attract heads that at the moment are in competition but with our service we are aiming to get them to be friends again and collaborate in our future festival project.
WICKED 7 at Egg will be launched soon and this new event format will grow into a business festival for Music, Art & Culture by 1st May 2016; this festival will be better known as WICKED 7 YIN & YANG Lifestyle Festival, in Westminster SW1.
This Summer will be the third Summer that Wicked 7 Network does showcase events with LA TERRRAZZA club in Barcelona. This year La Terrrazza is celebrating its 20th anniversary and so far we have closed the deal for SUPERNOVA – EGG LDN – with dj resident NILS HESS.
In Ibiza we aim to start our WICKED 7 EGG events in July and to do it monthly at DESTINO BEACH HOTEL but we are still getting the team together. Watch this space!
In the meantime, currently running are my WICKED 7 NETWORK radio show on Ibiza Live Radio
Please tune in every Saturday from 6pm British Time; 7pm Spanish Time on ibizaliveradio.com
Name one thing you would change in the music scene?
The one thing that needs to change immediately to preserve our club culture, in my opinion is the competitive attitude among clubs. Competition among club is damaging our industry.
Collaboration is the new way forward and that’s why I have created this WICKED 7 NETWORK where different clubs owners, managers, resident djs, promoters and more, own shares and a percentage of Wicked 7 ltd, so they can feel that this is an internal service platform owned by them and run for them. Only those vetted and assessed can work in a professional way with different clubs, through my unique WICKED 7 booking network for selected resident djs who will be looked after till they can also become world famous stars dj. At the moment resident djs, are only clubs employees and that isn’t right. What I am focusing to achieve with the Wicked 7 Business network system is to create arteries that connect one club with another and showcase resident’s djs to each other thanks to the WICKED 7 management. This strategy will strengthen the club reputations and relations which will put clubs less in competition and more in collaboration. At the moment electronic music clubs are only set up to benefit for themselves and not for its artists or customers or its local community which is why they have a bad reputation and are easy targets to be shut down when a local borough decides to do new property developments .
What is Wicked 7 all about and when did it start?
Wicked 7 is all about business based on collaboration, transparency and professionalism
It started in 2006 in a Jamaican Restaurant called 6 Foot Under The Bridge in Kingsland Road, Shoreditch, London, with the valuable help of Joe Le Groove who was at the time and still is a great friend of mine, great dj, producer and for some time was staying at my house so he was happy to help me get this started. It was in 2005, the time when all clubs were starting to face problems with the council and I heard, at one of my council meetings, that there was a plan to close all the clubs down, so I analysed few problems existing in the club industry at the time and I created a project that was a strategy to help the clubs to be more useful and socially involved but most of all, more professional. That’s why I started to create little events cooperative owned by 6 brands or professionals from different professions, one per each letter of the word “WICKED”.
It became WICKED 7 in 2010, when the same concept, was repeated many times in many different cooperative groups, while promoting and advertising the concept and networking within the industry at many levels in different countries.
In Ibiza, this concept kept living only through graphics, some sort of contracts, looking like flyers, but with the aim of putting brands together that would own one of these unique WICKED cooperatives, all chosen because compatible brands according to personality and professions. It then became WICKED 7 because one of this cooperative was more balanced with one more professional on board which was CLARA DA COSTA radio dj with IBIZA SONICA RADIO.
It was in Ibiza again, that when the WICKED 7 brand started to be copied in Ibiza by other professional event organisers, Anna Maria Ricco’ who is a PR and Ibiza Icon, made her 1st investment by buying 10 shares and so WICKED 7 was born as ‘LTD’ Limited Company and that’s how the real business network started.
We now have about 70 shareholders all across the world and the terms are that every shareholder, no more than 100, also earn 1% of the company and are the only one who have the right to be sponsored and to start a new WICKED 7 franchise branch in any part of the world. The first franchise branch will be the one that will be born in London when the Festival in Westminster will be ready to start.
Find out more on the links below.