
The art of collecting art: Insights from Freddie Achom

Other | Tuesday 24th March 2015 |

Serial entrepreneur and tech investor Freddie Achom gives us exclusive insight on how to become an art collector and how he developed his passion for art. Mr. Achom also gives tips to budding artists looking to carve their own niche in the industry.

How did you first get involved in art collecting?

Through my business partner - he’s an avid collector and enthusiast. I accompanied him to various exhibitions and galleries. He explained that art is completely personal and I’ve now developed my own taste and collection.

Why do you collect art?

Both as a hobby and as investments.

Do you remember what the first piece of artwork you purchased was?

A Keith Haring print.

What do you look for when buying artwork?

Something I can interpret, that has some relevance to my existence. I think of my pieces as reflective of me.

Can you name some of your favourite artists and art works?

Shepard Fairey, Banksy, JR, Julian Schnabel, David Ostrowski.

What up-and-coming artists do you predict will become the next success story?

David Ostrowski - his perspective on what he represents makes his work extremely interesting.

How frequently do you attend art shows/exhibitions?

Once or twice a month, depends on the season actually.

Will you be willing to invest in and back up-and-coming artists?

Yes I would be, not that I’m really qualified to predict. Though I did buy Banksy early on as I felt his work had some legs.

What do you like about art?

Art can be calming. It definitely complements a mood and can change an entire space.

In your opinion do you believe that anything is missing in the art word?

Just the complete individualisation of artists and the unique character, subjects and studies of modern artists. Look at Keith Haring, Picasso, Basquiat and their interpretations of the world. How they portrayed their subjects was so unique, we don’t really get that anymore.

What advice will you give to aspiring artist?

Do your own thing. It’s good to be influenced by the great artists, but then do your own thing.

What advice will you give to a budding artist looking to become the next Andy Warhol?

Find true meaning in your work!!

How can artists get in touch with you?

They can submit resumes via my foundation by e-mail at