That Roots/Elvis Costello Collab – We Have a Release Date
Thursday 30th May 2013 | Alex
Philly’s favourite (but probably only) jazz-hop/soul/alt-rock orchestra ‘The Roots’ and new-wave Londoner Elvis Costello have announced a release date – you can expect ‘Wise Up Ghost’ out on September 17.
Here’s what we know: Costello and Roots’ drummer ‘?uestlove’ produced the record along with veteran Roots partner Steven Mandel, and La Marisoul – 'La Santa Cecilia' songster – contributes some vocals somewhere.
In a statement, ‘?uestlove’ didn’t give much away: “It's a moody, brooding affair, cathartic rhythms and dissonant lullabies. I went stark and dark on the music, Elvis went HAM on some ole Ezra Pound shit.” (HAM? Please questlove, not you too.) The pub-rocker was more exact – the album is “the shortest distance between here and there”, he said.
You can expect ‘Wake Up Ghost’ first, but The Roots have plans to follow with a group album later in the year – ‘& Then You Shoot Your Cousin’ is to “show the absurdity of violent culture”, at least, that’s what they tell us.
Look for cryptic updates on twitter:
@ImposterSpeaks (Some sort of hype-building ‘secret’ account?)
Written by Alex Dean - @AlexDean94