
5 Reasons to Visit Rome

Tuesday 21st May 2013 | Cristina

Planning your summer? We've summed up the top five reasons to visit Rome, although we're sure you're not struggling to find some.


#1 The Coliseum

To many, the coliseum is practically synonymous with Rome, being the landmark that most of us attach to Rome in our minds, the image that springs to mind when the topic of Rome is raised. It is a throwback to Rome’s distant past as one of the largest and most influential and prosperous empires of the ancient world, an enduring reminder of the brutal customs of the ancient Romans. After all, Julius Caesar, like Trinny and Susannah, didn’t get to the top by being nice. Entrance is reasonably priced for skint students and even if you don’t manage to stumble across one of the discount ticket deals being touted along almost every street in central Rome, it’s still worth the visit for the sense of history and sheer immensity of the building.


#2 The Beach

 ‘For a city break, this sure looks like a beach holiday’, Rome may have you saying. It’s easy to forget that Rome is home to some of the most glorious, golden beaches in Italy when it’s even more famous for its cultural, historical grandeur.


#3 Food

Cafés and bars in Rome are far different from those in London in that instead of getting much less than what you pay for you get much more. You’ll be hard-pressed in Rome to come across a casual café which doesn’t serve an array of nibbles - or downright starters - with its cocktails or coffees, all free of charge. Breadsticks, crisps and dips are just the tip of this iceberg of diverse and complimentary Mediterranean food. This is of course not to mention the fact of Rome’s being the capital of the world’s favourite foods – ice cream and pizza.


#4 La Dolce Vita

Who doesn’t want to re-enact that scene from La Dolce Vita with the Trevi Fountain and Anita Ekberg? You may or may not be able to get a hold of Anita Ekberg but the fountain is public.


#5 The Vatican Museums

Rome is as cultural as they come in terms of city breaks - if art is your scene, look no further than Rome. The Vatican Museums are the city’s best museum and best art gallery rolled into one, in their own micro-country, with a Sistine Chapel in it. The Vatican Museums are located inside the Vatican City State and are among the greatest museums in the world, displaying works from the immense collection built up by the Roman Catholic Church throughout the centuries. Michelangelo’s world-famous Sistine Chapel awaits visitors at the end of their route through the museums, leaving them with the unforgettable image which has fascinated the world for centuries.

Cristina Trujillo | @cristinaxt |