Fatboy Slim: Gigging for the PM, Sets in Igloos and Becoming a DJ 'Legend'
Other | Monday 29th April 2013 | Adam
We caught up with Brighton tamed Norman Cook, aka Fatboy Slim, ahead of the International Music Summit in Ibiza where he is to be awarded and become an established 'Legend' of his game.
With friends such as Pete Tong, Idris Elba, Hot Since 82 and many more performing alongside, it's hard to see this night being anything less than mythical act.
What to expect at the IMS Legends - Fatboy Slim at his absolute finest.
Norman spoke to us about what this show means to him and if he was ready to be incorporated into the hall of fame;
“Getting awarded is great....I kinda feel that at this stage in my career things like that sort of seal my role as legend, which I'm feeling more comfortable with as I get older.”
In addition to spinning the decks at one of the most prestigious shows of all time next month, he was invited to the House of Commons recently to be the first DJ ever to perform there;
“It wasn’t the most rocking rave that iv ever performed at. It was an interesting atmosphere because it was half my mates that were freaked out about being in the House of Commons, and half a load of MP's, researchers and politicians that just thought it was hilarious that I'd come and played in their midst. It was like playing a wedding, like playing a wedding where nobody knew each-other and they weren’t quite drunk enough yet.”
So yeah... Fatboy Slim ACTUALLY played a show at the core of British politics...But how did that compare to the Great Wall of China, or say... an Igloo?
“The big ones are always a big thrill, and the little strange ones. I compare the House of Commons similar to the one in the Igloo; similar kind of size, similar temperature of the audience.”
Tune in soon for some more massive news involving future plans, homecoming shows and Glastonbury exclusives.
Adam Steer