
Tavi Gevinson's Plans For World Domination

Thursday 18th April 2013 | Trudie

You might have heard of Tavi Gevinson. At 16 years old, she is the founder and editor of Rookie Magazine and casually takes her place amongst fashion legends on the major front rows. Enough to make you feel a little  inadequate, right? And before jealously dismisses Gevinson as a hipster airhead, you may want to know that she has publicly spoken out in regards to women's rights and education rights respectively.

There's more. With the fashion world in the palm of her hand, Gevinson has dabbled in acting, and even further afield. It has been anounced that she will be DJing at the Debonair Social Club in celebration the screening of Cadaver, a short film she also stars in. Considering she falls a few years short of the legal drinking age, Gevinson's prodigy-like career transgression is wildly ambitious, yet it seems the girl can do no wrong.

Coming up: Tavi Gevinson runs for President of the United States. Watch this space.

Image: Tavi Gevinson at Rodate. By Carla Sticker

Words by Trudie Carter-Pavelin