Out with the old and in with the new!
Friday 22nd February 2013 | Suzanne
You must be familiar with that feeling. Going through your music playlist and getting tired of listening to the same old songs over and over again. We all have that strong need to discover some new music every once and a while, but we don’t always know where and how. If you have ever struggled with this problem you know how challenging it can be sometimes to find new and interesting music that actually appeals to you. Well, no longer. The streaming website earbits.com is here to assist and help you find some nice tunes to listen to on your way to work, or any other time it is appropriate. The website has a relatively large database of selected music, which is divided within several categories, sure to contain something for everyone. There are categories such as editorial picks, shuffle and several musical genres. Now you might be thinking that the radio is a good way to dicover music as well, the difference with this is, however, that the radio doesn’t provide such a wide range of different music as this streaming website does. There is literally something for everyone and not only that, a lot of new and upcoming artists are put within the editorial picks as well, allowing its users to discover ‘new’ music in its purest form. So, give those old tunes a rest and start finding some new ones!
By Suzanne Alblas