
Bedazzle Hassle

Other | Tuesday 12th February 2013 | Nani


Soon after being involved in a late-night fight outside a club in Staffordshire, Rebecca Gallanagh (22) was ordered by a UK court to follow a strict 9PM curfew that an electronic monitor would enforce. With innocent intentions, Gallanagh bedazzled her ankle bracelet in an attempt to make the best out of a bad situation. Little did she know, bad style was a criminal offence!

After finding out Rebecca had taken her glue gun to the monitor, the manufacturer took her back to court. Apparently the fake diamonds had “compromised the integrity” of the machine. Fashion faux pas aside, Gallanagh was inspired by a bracelet on Big Fat Gypsy Weddings (Channel 4) and thought personalising her label of criminal conviction would make her feel better.

Sadly, the only thing that got relief was her bank account as Gallanagh was slapped with a £140 fine. "I saw pictures of it online and checked the leaflet, and nowhere did it say I couldn't decorate it" she told The Daily Mail, baffled by the courts decision. While we feel for Rebecca, using a glue gun to bedazzle anything will always lead to a bad situation.

