Viva Vena knows how to do a viral!
Monday 11th February 2013 | Laura
The clothes’ brand has made one of the cleverest productions I’ve seen recently. It has all the elements to go viral and become a success on the web: It’s funny, beautifully filmed, criticizes today’s youth and has an emerging move star on it. Sophie Buhai and Lisa Mayock, the designers behind Vena Cava, had created a Fashion Film, directed by photographer and filmmaker Matthew Frost, for sister brand Viva Vena that, we don’t know if it’s going to help to show the wallet-friendly, "neo-vintage" line -as all that captures our attention are Caplan’s wide open blue eyes, as if she was hallucinated for everything she sees or touches- but for sure, it will help to expand brand’s name.
Lizzy Caplan gives an outstanding an hilarious performance of a naive girl trying to be a hipster going through all the topics of things people consider to be cool nowadays, like doing arty thins (in her case, a collage) or starting a band –by playing the Ukulele. It really makes you laugh but also think, as between jokes, there is a huge criticism of how everything considered cultural or artistic it’s becoming trivialized by new generations who want to have the shape without content. A good example, is when she says she likes to pretend to be in a movie she doesn’t really understand…
Well done!
FASHION FILM from Matthew Frost on Vimeo.
By Laura Vila