Imaginarium V: Shoreleave
Monday 31st December 2012 | Ewan
Last night heralded the very first birthday of the inter-plantetary rave-state known as Imaginarium. Located in the cosy confines of club Union, Imaginarium boasts a host of talented and eclectic Djs ranging from Drum and Bass, Dubstep, Electro-Swing, House and Jungle.
Never one to play an event down, Imaginarium in Vauxhall is a somewhat fairly new rave on the scene, having only been running from roughly a year now. Primarily a fetish-themed event, dressing-up is mandatory and any refusal to wear something silly or sexy is met with a firm refusal of entry to the club.
This may sound a little stern, but Imaginarium assures it is only for the good of the atmosphere and to make sure everyone is feeling equal and safe. On any given night you are bound to be witness to some incredible and crazy costumes, ranging from the sexually alluring to the downright freaky! This festival atmosphere is what makes Imaginarium so unique, people from all walks of life converging on the dancefloor and ultimately surrendering to the beat and letting go of all inhibitions.
Based in two main rooms, the night begins in one and then progresses onto the other, with starship Imaginarium blasting off at the beginning of the first set, signalling the beginning of a journey that will take us to the very fringes of rave-space and back. The first set in room 2 was a cheeky little arrangement consisting of Drum and Bass fused with Rock. Oldskool tunes were also boasted like the Renegades of Funk by Rage Against the Machine and of course a classic by Rob Zombie.
Moving onto Room 1, starship Imaginarium lifted off to an electrifying start by Simon Iridium who played a simply floor stomping set of Break-beat Electro. Amen-Break madness ensued as the crowd couldn't help but shout, scream and jump to Simon's feet-moving aural montage. Our ears were subject to all manner of growls, wubs, subs, whines and weee's as the beat continued to kick like a muel and the basslines filled our lungs.
Finishing up and leaving us with vibrations in our stomachs, Simon humbly left the DJ booth and us wanting more. Next up was the Captain himself, Rob Voody Voodoo, who kicked off with a side-splitting drum and bass track that let us know what we were in for in the next hour. Rob held no punches and gave us everything he had, and then some. The change in tempo was a welcome addition and the high-speed basslines were tickling us in all the right places.
The rest of the night consided of sets going on in both rooms, including some gorgeous House tunes that left us with that feel-good feeling and that transcended into the depths of Deep House and far-out Dubstep. The drum and bass madness continued in the Room 1, with tunes so filthy we had to wash our ears out after the night was over.
When dawn arrived we were all well and truly mashed, the signs of a brilliant night of mind-bending raving plain on our sweaty, grimy but massively smiling faces. We'd journeyed to edges of rave-space and back. We'd witnessed the beauty of Jungle, the Madness of Drum and Bass, the intricasy of Electro wubs and the Depths of House. We've... Seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. We've watched C-beams glitter in the darkn near the Tenhauser gate. All those moments will be lost, in time... Like tears.. in.. rain. Time to sleep.