
So long, world! Been nice knowing you...

Tuesday 13th November 2012 | Jenny

The world may well be ending on the 21st December this year and you can pay just £4 to party down in serious apocalyptic style. 

The guys behind The End of the World Parties have been practising their nights for the last four years so it's safe to say this one will go off. And you are guaranteed NO HANGOVER! 

Held at Village Underground in Shoreditch, there are no rules other than to have a great night. With a Last Wish Room and the option to request songs you want to hear while you still can, this night is all about you. 

Check out the website for more details -

Just think of how outrageous you can be and no one will remind you about it in the morning! 

By Jenny Allbrook

Twitter: @JennyAllbrook