Death Grips break up with label
Friday 2nd November 2012 | Jacob
But who did the dumping? And who gets to keep the dog?
Epic records have had a pretty tempestuous relationship with the California based alternative hip-hop group recently. Firstly there was the controversy surrounding the artwork for their latest album (a picture of a dude’s dick with the title No Love Deep Web crudely scrawled on in marker pen) and then band’s subsequent release of said album via free download without Epic’s knowledge.
The final straw came a few days ago when Death Grips uploaded what appear to be emails from the label onto their Facebook page with the sensitively worded caption "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOW FUCK OFF." The messages describe Epic as feeling “extremely upset and disappointed” which as we all remember from childhood, is far worse than humble anger.
But rather than stopping at a light telling-off the label has now dropped Death Grips, releasing the following statement:
“Epic Records is a music first company that breaks new artists. That is our mission and our mandate. Unfortunately, when marketing and publicity stunts trump the actual music, we must remind ourselves of our core values. To that end, effective immediately, we are working to dissolve our relationship with Death Grips. We wish them well”
I have a feeling that the band aren’t going to be curled up on the sofa, crying into a tub of Ben and Jerry’s. With big live dates lined up including Pitchfork Music Festival Paris, it seems Death Grips are hot, single and ready to mingle.
By Jacob Alexander Guberg