
James Blunt to quit the music industry?

Monday 22nd October 2012 | David


The ‘Goodbye My Lover’ singer has stated that he wants to take some time out for himself, and that he hasn’t got “any plans to do more songwriting”.

So, it seems that the passing of soldier-turned-singer James Blunt’ music career has come. Mums everywhere will quite possibly be heart-broken at the news, but for my part, I’m sure I’ll live. Certainly, there are many who won’t miss his brand of soft (a nicer way of saying whiny) pop music, but I suppose it is a little sad to see him go. He’s a nice guy, after all. The kind of guy your gran wishes that you were more like.

His last album was Some Kind Of Trouble, released in 2010. Talking about the record, Blunt said “After the last tour, I tried writing at the piano, but I found I was repeating myself, writing sad songs about poor old me”. You’re not wrong, Jimmy. He’s never been known as the most uplifting artist, but years of service in the armed forces probably does that to a man.

Blunt is famously self-deprecating when it comes to his music. When popular opinion regarding his songs was broached to him by Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear, his response was “Well, have you heard them?” Yes we have James, but it looks like we won’t be hearing them much more – at least, not outside of a questionable rendition of ‘You’re Beautiful’ from a drunken uncle at a wedding. It would probably be a more entertaining version than the original.


Let’s revisit one of those rare moments when he actually sings an upbeat song, from his latest – and quite possibly last – album.



By Dave Rees