
Stooshe to cover TLC's Waterfalls

Thursday 4th October 2012 | Rebecca

What do you need to create a three piece girl band: sass, booty-shaking tunes, a multi-cultural background and the possibility of a rap lingering in the air.  Well Stooshe have got that mix down.

It has recently been announced that after the popularity of Stooshe’s performance at T in the Park when they covered TLC’s Waterfalls the girls will now be releasing the single. The acclaim poured in for Stooshe, and I think that this latest cover really will creep creep up the charts. T- Boz of TLC (the blonde one) was so impressed by the song that she rapidly tweeted to congratulate them, and a further cascade of compliments plunged this band head first into viral popularity for the acoustic video.

I remember the original track perfectly. Although a mere child when it came out, as the youngest member of my family I had no option but to enjoy the music my older siblings inflicted on me, with Def Leppard remaining responsible for my dyslexia within the animal kingdom.  TLC’s Waterfalls is a personal favourite, and I will admit knowing the majority of the rap – hell I know it all.  It is because of this nostalgia that I doubted the cover, however it is surprisingly good.  The ladies even pay homage to former girl bands with their attire, camo for Destiny’s Child and one member of the band seems like she may have come as Salt or Pepper.

Have a listen and see what you make of this remake of a classic.

By Becky Tanner-Rolf