The Lady Who (almost) sides the Mayniacs
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Tuesday 17th July 2012 | Osh
The music industry is a slot machine. You never know which numbers they will pull out and you never know when they will hit the jackpot. Here we have: Justin Bieber, the jackpot and Conor Maynard -the jackpot?
Conor Maynard, 19-years-old pop-singer is said in to be the United Kingdom answer to Bieber. Could Conor be poised to steal the Bieber Crown? Huffington Post UK asked.
Poor Conor Maynard and Justin Bieber wre practically born rivals without even knowing it. It is an undeclared war, where people must choose between the Mayniacs side or the Beliebers?
As their fans base, Maynard and Bieber are similar.
The 24,920,892-Bieber-followers would probably deny that they have the same “swag”. But clothing-wise, they are both over-wearing the skinny jeans, high-rise sneackers and over-using the styling gel.
I had to triple glance at the TV when I heard Conor’s Vegas girl tune, to make sure it was not Bieber’s new clip video.
Although both have really great producers that create lively, pulsating beats, it's all counteracted by a deep lack of research on their song lyrics. Maynard's music sounds more mature than Bieber’s. He is talking about he “can’t say no” to girls (Can’t say no) and “getting down-low” (Vegas Girl) and even if he's probably still is a virgin, we all know what it means!
Also call me and the 375,985 Maynard’s followers crazy, but I do think Maynard is cuter than Bieber. He begins to have pimples and a deeper voice, explicit thoughts and lyrics. Maturity is exciting. Isn’t it?
Let’s clarify though that they are both not jackpot. None of these two money-machines embodied the skills that had baby Michael Jackson or baby Usher for instance. They are not those young singers that are so-off-the-hook-you-cannot-deny-it gifted. They both just created a big buzz on Youtube. Period.
That’s what is sad in the music industry sometimes, if monkeys had money and a bunch of monkeys liked your music and are willing to pay for it, it does not matter how skilled you are. They will fight to sign you. If monkeys don’t want you, they just won’t sign. Does not matter how skilled you are.
Some other celebrities started as a teenage singers and panties-dropper-joke and ends up as references in music world. Yeah, you guessed right, Justin Timberlake. Do you remember him in the 'N SYNC? Joke. Do you remember him in “Like I Love You”? Dayyum!
Maybe that is it, Maynard and Bieber haven’t reached their “dayyum!” moment yet.
So Am I a Bieleber? Or a Mayniac?
Though Bieber is way more popular than Maynard, I have a little bit of a crazy gambling problem, as I love to bet on the odds. So if I had to bet on one of them, as Lily Allen and Kylie Minogue did: I’d bet on Maynard. I wish he learned how to dance and grow more facial hair. With Pharell and Ne-yo around him, hopefully he will deep clean the naughty-wrong notes in his live performances too. One in all, I wish him to become my personal panty-dropper in a couple of years.
Wendy Ntsame @wendeedit