
Ereader vs Paperback

Friday 6th July 2012 | Osh



The E-reader vs the paperback, which do you prefer?

Kindle’s and Kobo’s have become the latest piece of technology to catapult into popularity and as far as gadgets designed to make our lives incredibly easy go, ereaders tick alot of boxes.
The outright advantages of the new streamline gadgets over your average paperback is that it’s normally about a sixth of the size and has the ability to store thousands of books on it. Ebooks are also much cheaper to buy from amazon or WH Smith, with your average ebook costing £2.00 less than a new paperback.

I’ve been a reader for many years and when the reasonably priced Kindle surfaced, promising to make all of my difficulties regarding the lugging of heavy books around disappear i was quick to run to the shops. I used the Kindle for a good few months none stop, i found the battery life brilliant and it was very easy to use and download books onto.

However i quickly slipped back into buying paperbacks. Everything is getting so small and digital, Vinyls have practically ceased to exist and now we listen to digital Mp3’s. Hardly anyone uses film cameras instead we have SD cards that store digital copies of our photographs. I may be the only one that misses flicking through a hard photo album or sifting through a record or CD collection, but when it came to giving up books as well i couldn’t bring myself to do it.

eReaders are without a doubt a well designed useful gadget, its whether or not you can stand to say goodbye to actually books. Find out for yourself.
Hollie Dent