Autopilot cars are often used in futuristic films, but they could be a reality alot sooner than you thought.
Many developers are thinking about producing this type of car. Cadillac has recently presented its prototype of a semi auto-drive car and they claim that this car would be available to drive on a highway by the year 2015. Thanks to all the sensors that have been added onto cars and also to an ultra precise GPS.
Cadillac’s goal is to produce an autodrive car as soon as they can, but the first step according to them is the semi auto-drive car.
Google has also developed an auto-drive car, this is the first auto-drive car to be licensed in the USA. The state of Nvada which registered the car hope to attract a big IT firm with its decision. The Google car is a Toyota Prius the Mountain View firm added a bunch of sensors, video camera lasor censors and also a GPS. All these tools allowed the cars to be driven without a driver.
By the year 2020 we can expect big car companies to be able to sell fully auto-pilor cars to the general public.