Dinky Interview
House | Thursday 29th March 2012 | Annalisa
How has this year been for you so far?
2012 has been great so far, many good shows, a new studio and now just getting back from a wonderful holiday in South America with my husband.
You have had music in your life from an early age, how did you get into electronic music?
The early electronic music I heard was through my older sister and her boyfriend (Dandy Jack). She studied in Germany and was active in the electronic music scene in the 80’s. Through them, I met so many amazing artists like Ricardo, Atom Heart, etc.
The last we spoke was when you played for our Heroes and Villains party in April 2010, how much has your sound changed since then?
I still keep my style and play songs rather than tracks. I have to love a song so much to be able to play it so I’m not usually following trends as a DJ . I am definitely playing more disco these last two years.
Are there any new bits of studio equipment that have changed your current work flow?
I have kept pretty much the same work flow for the last two years since I got Pro Tools HD which is amazing. But I’m much more of an instrumentalist than before, so I tend to use real bass, sing, play keys and guitar more than ever now.
What’s happening with your forthcoming album which you are working on with Matthew Styles?
It’s me as singer/ songwriter, so it's rather un- clubby. Matthew is doing co- production and mixing, it’s been a great process but not necessarily easy. Songwriting and producing songs is a totally different game than club music, much more complex if you ask me.
Besides the album what else have you got in store for your fans?
Doing the live show and visual aspect for the album. This LP is what I've been concentrating most on, so that's about it.
Which fellow producers are you currently feeling?
In dance music, Todd Terje has been great. On the other hand, I think Flood and Phil Spector are great examples of indie and pop producers.
Have you thought about doing music for films?
Yes I’d absolutely love to. It’s either syncing an existing song for a film or creating the music from scratch. For the latter, one usually needs to be a trained composer, I’m a trained musician but I believe I would need a little bit of help to create suites and symphonies. It’s not as easy as it sounds.
How would you describe your sound as a producer, as you like to make music thats ticks outside the normal box?
Describing my sound is usually very hard, it's like describing my own voice as a singer, I can’t hear myself like the others do! It's better to leave that to other people, I just try to be as natural as possible with my music.
What music do you currently listen to besides house and techno?
Lots of jazz. I’m a big fan of classic jazz and blues as I also sing and play these genres. Lately it's been Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Voughan, Julie London and Billie Holliday.
The music industry as a whole is tough to crack. Did you ever have a period where you really just wanted to give up?
I did actually, but I never wanted to give up music as I consider my self a devoted musician. A few years ago I thought about stopping DJing and making dance music. On the one hand I felt it wasn’t artistic enough for me. I was always limited to this bass kick and to make people dance in a party scenario where people were not necessarily paying much attention to the music. On the other hand, I’m not a heavy party person anymore and felt out of place sometimes. I don't like to be fake and I felt that there was so much fakeness going on to get gigs and be in the right group, that's so not me. Now I’m more at peace with that, and with my new project I found a way to be inspired and challenged again through singing and songwriting. It’s about finding a balance. I love DJing but I needed something more challenging to keep my interest as a musician.
You are playing at Layo and Bushwacka’s Shake It!, its their third birthday. What will you have in store for their ever so faithful following?
Lots of good vibes and giving as much as I can as a DJ.
Is there anything you would like to plug that you have in the pipeline?
Our album which will be on Cross Town Rebels at the end of this year .
If you were banished to a desert island and had to take three famous people dead or alive, who would you take and why?
Very hard question as I don't wanna be stuck with someone not very nice. I would take my famous friend Jorge Gonzales (Chilean pop star) as he is one of the nicest guys around. As I don't really know other famous people personally I will go with my instinct. Ella Fitzerald and Frank Sinatra.
Keep up-to-date with her music on http://www.myspace.com/dinkydj
Listen to her new mix here: http://soundcloud.com/
Joe Le Groove