
Drugged- Up Burglar Found In His Underpants Trying On Ladies’ Clothes

Friday 24th February 2012 | Osh

Jimmy Nash was under the after- effects of drugs when he entered the Knowle home.  He laid out the housholders’ clothes on their bed after making himself a cup of tea, according to Bristol Crown Court.
He said he meant no harm and apologised and would send any clothes he borrowed back ‘with a few quid.’
Nash 43, admitted to the burglary in October and judge Carol Hagen said the incident was ‘incomprehensible, especially as Nash lived nearby, and said the most serious aspect was the impact caused by the family.’
He was ordered to do 200 hours of unpaid work over the next 12 months.  The man said he was under the influence of cocaine at the time, and later said he may have taken a hallucinogenic pill.
The intrusion left a ‘sickly effect’ on the householders and women’s clothes were thrown away in case Nash tried them on.