Aki Bergen Interview
House | Friday 16th December 2011 | Osh
Why did you decide to change your aka from Neuroxyde to Aki Bergen?
It hasn't been a real change, just the desire to show everyone that what I really love is to produce music in any form. I don't like to be labeled as a dj/producer that makes or plays just “that genre”. I have produced records since 1997 and my greatest goal is to be able to write what I feel without limits.
It will be a busy tour through Europe which date are you looking forward to most?
Over the past few months I have been very lucky to be able to play at very cool events... maybe what I'm impatiently waiting for at the moment is the Beatsball Festival 2010 in Amsterdam. On the 5th of September
you can find me there!
Where was the crowd gave you the most satisfaction?
When you know people are there to listen to your music and you feel that what you're playing is really appreciated and people are having fun, well, that's my definition of satisfaction! The Beat Music Festival, with 10.000 people and other well known international artists, left me with great memories.
Your remix for Doomwork, the Italian duo, that comes from Rome like you, “Lost in memory”, has been nominated 2nd best deep house track at the Beatport Music Award, how did the collaboration with them come around?
I met Doomwork about 2 years ago thanks to a common friend and I was so impressed by their ideas that I immediately asked them to be part of our “family”. At that time they were still a bit raw, but their first release on Neurotraxx Deluxe stayed at n.1 on the Beatport Deep House Chart for more than 2 months. From that time on it's been an uninterrupted evolution, there have been many productions and several successes on prestigious labels. Now they are some of the most esteemed young talents of the world club scene and they have solid legs to go on walking by themselves. My support for them will always be 100%!
You’ve played before Tiesto at the “Beat Dance Music Festival” in Turin, which DJ´s have you enjoyed playing live with the most?
I had the luck to listen to many djs playing live, having been on this world for many years. One of my favourite groups is definitely Minilogue. I heard them in my hometown, Rome, a year ago.
Thanks a lot Aki!
Its been a pleasure have a chat with you!