
Donell Jones Interview

RnB/Hip Hop | Friday 16th December 2011 | Osh


From being a member of a gang to releasing his sixth studio album... Donell Jones - father of five - is back with his new album entitled ‘Lyrics.’ The Guestlist Network got the chance to interview him to find out ‘what’s up’ (excuse the pun!) 

After four years being signed to La Face Records - last year you went independent with your own label, Candyman Music Inc. So do you prefer being on your own label?

Yeah I much rather prefer being on my own label. I have more control over what I want to do in my career. I enjoyed my time with La Face Records and I learnt a lot but I do enjoy being independent because I have a lot more control over what I do.

Tell us about your new album ‘Lyrics”?

Lyrics is my sixth album. It has allowed me to go into depth... to paint a picture and tell a story and I have some pretty interesting stories on the album. It’s one of those albums which you can just put on and let it play. I really don’t have a lot of up-tempo songs on it and I wanted it that way... I wanted it to be a slow and seductive record.

Is there anyone you would have liked to have collaborated with on this album?

To be honest, not on this album- this album was personal to me and I wanted to keep it intimate and to myself. So I wouldn’t have wanted to collaborate on this one.

What would you say has had the biggest impact on your music to date?

My last album came out on Jive Records and I really didn’t like the way it was promoted which kind of led me to where I am now- as an independent starting my own label. Musically, nothing has really changed, except for the fact I have gotten better at song writing but my style has been this way from the beginning and I feel like I have my own style.

Obviously you worked with Lisa Left Eye Lopez on ‘You Know What’s Up?’- what was she like as a person? 

She was great as a person. Very energetic, a great personality and a Gemini like myself. She just had a great heart, very kind and the life of the party.

I remember that song very well, it was a massive hit, does it have a greater meaning for you now, given the circumstances?

It does have a greater meaning not only because she was on it but it’s also the way it makes people feel - every time people hear that song they just get up and start dancing.

When you were younger you were in a street gang, how do you think your life would have been different had you not have left?

Oh yeah it would have definitely been different. I can only see two outcomes of living that lifestyle and that is dead, or in jail. So yeah, it would have been a whole lot different.

What would you say to any young people who may be going down the street gang path?

It’s definitely not the way to go. It doesn’t show true character, you shouldn’t need a gang to back you up, a person who stands on their own, as an individual, carries themselves with more class. I think young people need more inspiration and parents should pay a little bit more attention to their kids. That is where it starts, at home.

You have 5 daughters- are you a protective dad?!

I would say I am but I let them be themselves.

When are you at your happiest?

I am happy when I am in the studio and I am making something I like and I am always happy when I am home with my family. It’s a happy balance.

Whats the most important lesson life has taught you?

Patience, not wanting everything when you want it. Sometimes you have to go through certain things before you reach certain goals.

If you could have an endless supply of anything what would it be?


What is your favourite city in the world?

Haha! Come on are you really going to ask me that... it’s London of course!

Will you be touring in the UK soon?

I hope so... everytime I come it’s sold out!

What new artists are you a fan of at the moment?

Trey Songz

What are your plans for the future?

Definitely release ‘Lyrics’ in the U.K it’s already out in the states. 

Have you got anything you’d like to say to your U.K fans? 

I really appreciate their support. I am just here to make good music. They should buy the new album I know you can’t buy it in stores yet but you can buy it on iTunes. For more information you should add me on Twitter or Facebook!