Dirty Bird Interview
House | Tuesday 13th December 2011 | Osh
Call em a gang, a pose, a crew, call em what you damn well like! But here at The Guestlist Network towers (where everything is about rainbows and lolipops) we dub the Dirty Birds the Dirty Bird Fam.
Over the past 5 years the label has produced regular streams of hits, built their own special parties and remained the number one for pure originality of their unique sound. We actually find it hard to believe it's only been five years, they seem to given us a life time of audio pleasure already. Ahhhhhhh.
Anyway! To celebrate they have released a 5 years of compilation comprising of three discs past, present and future. The ones you love plus some new ones you might not heard before...Excited aren't you.
We asked them to answer a few questions about the past, the present and the future... oh and what they like on toast.
First of all would you describe The Dirty Bird crew as a little family?
Tanner Ross: Totally. From my experience, the family vibe extends out to the people who come to the parties as well.
Christian Martin: Definitely! We are constantly pushing each other forward and supporting each other, yet no one can resist the opportunity to talk some mad shit. There's never a dull moment in these parts.
JPlip: I had Christmas dinner at the Crenshaw's because I couldn't make it home - now that was a riot!
So who's the mummy and daddy?
Christian Martin: I would say that Barclay and his wife Aundy fit that role – their advice is not always easy but they are right 99% of the time. (I'm sure they'll never let me forget that statement.
Worthy: I guess Claude would be the daddy, and probably Christian the mummy. lol
Justin Martin: Hmm… that’s a hard one … I could say that Claude is the papa calling all the shots and I am the momma looking out for the little ones, but that would suggest me and Claude had sex and I gave birth... and that’s just ridiculous.
Claude Vonstroke: The guys will say i'm the daddy...the oldest, the owner, etc. - but I sure do feel like the mom sometimes. "get yer track done or there's no dinner!"
Over the past 5 years what would you say has been the best Dirtybird moment for yourselves and the label?
JPhlip: There are way too many amazing moments to count, and I will never forget any of them! But one that always stands out for me is the moment at WMC 2008 when Barclay played my track at the Dirtybird party and afterwards asked to sign it. I had been a homegirl and guest dj for them for a few years - but it was the most wonderful feeling in the world to hear them all say "you're officially part of the crew now!!!!!!" And that was the moment Dirtybird bootcamp started… we don't wanna get into that...
Claude Vonstroke: Moments from the park parties or the old shine parties when someone really surprised me with a new track. Almost everyone has done it too which is really cool. I also really enjoyed our recent Fabric night. it was good to see us all in room 1 killing it.
Tanner Ross: The best moment for me was the first time I went to San Fran and got to go to my first Dirtybird party. I would also put that up there with the top 4 moments of my life.
...and what about the worst?
Tanner Ross: The hangover the next day.
Worthy: Calling off a park party because of rain
Claude Vonstroke: 2009 WMC Miami party without question. Still gives me a nervous twitch.
Are you shocked the levels of success that you and label have had in what is a relatively short amount of time?
Justin Martin: I wouldn’t say shocked is the right word... elated? Definitely! But when you put 5 incredibly creative and hard working heads together nothing is really that shocking. we all dream big and work hard to make them dreams come true.
Worthy: I am a little shocked at the success. Especially when I look back to the first park parties where there were only 50 people in the park with us. I knew in the back of my head that something amazing was going to happen though since we are all so passionate about our music. Always trying to one up each other.
What are you all looking forward to for 2010?
Christian Martin: Dropping some crazy basslines at the upcoming festivals - WMC in Miami, DEMF in Detroit, Mutek in Montreal, and of course there's always Golden Gate Park in San Francisco!
Where do you see yourselves in 30 years time?
Christian Martin: In a villa somewhere in Southern Europe, hanging out with family and friends, about to eat a gigantic meal and listen to old-tymey house music from 2010.
JPhlip: At 56??? I don't think that far ahead - but I do know that the music will keep us young. Actually by then I probably will have died of laugher and willed all my bling and riches and subwoofers and records away to all my friends.
Claude Vonstroke: Sipping a drink on my porch somewhere in the bay area. My kids will all be in rock bands or scientists by then.
Best track on the compilation?
Tannar Ross: Duckface!!! The reaction to that track has been phenomenal so far.
JPhlip: Its a tie between The Martin Brothers - DuckFace and Kink - Elevator.
Justin Martin: Would have to say 'stoopit' because it was the birth of a new era of sound for me.
Favorite toast topping?
Tanner Ross: Butter?
JPhlip: PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY YOOOO!!!!! With a baseball bat.
Christian Martin: Butter and a bit of cinnamon and sugar.
Worthy: Chicken Tetrazzini for me…
Justin Martin: Peanut butter jelly time.
Claude Vonstroke: My manager's Apricot Ginger marmalade.