Richy Ahmed Interview
House | Wednesday 7th December 2011 | Osh
Things are looking bright for Richy Ahmed this year. We spoke to him to find out what he’s been up to and what it’s like working alongside the likes of Jamie Jones, Lee Foss, Deniz Kurtel - to name a few!
How long have you been in London? You’re originally from Leeds?
Well I’m originally from Newcastle but I then I lived in Leeds and then moved to London, like a natural progression, I think that’s what usually happens for people in music.
What made you want to move down to London then was that the music?
Basically the music, a lot of my friends are here, I was here every week and it just seemed like the natural thing to do, I was doing a degree in property management in Newcastle, but I wanted to transfer to London so I had to sit out the year, so I had a whole year in London to do what I wanted. That’s when I really thought to go for DJ-ing and to try do it professionally.
You haven’t been playing that long have you?
Well I’ve been bedroom DJ-ing for quite a few years, but professionally, like basically when I started with an agency, and went for it full time was since the beginning of last summer so like 15/16 months professionally!
So it’s been a crazy ride then! You used to play for Dirty Disco right?
Yeah I used to play for Dirty Disco; I used to play for wicked parties in Birmingham, and I used to run my own parties in Newcastle, I used to run Back to Basics in Newcastle and A night called Balance.. I used to throw parties just so I could play, that’s basically how I started the parties, but eventually I had this time off, and just thought let’s just go for it. I moved to London, moved in with my agent Will and Jamie, and I played for the Hot Nature Party, in fact it was me that put the Hot Nature Party on in Barcelona, well it was my idea. So then I played and what happened Dyed Soundoroms vinyl didn’t work, the needles didn’t work, so that enabled me to play his set. I took advantage of my opportunity and loads of press were there, then Jamie and Lee asked me to be resident for the Hot Nature parties. That’s when I started to produce as well.
Wow so this has been a whirlwind ride for you!
Yeah whirlwind yeah, to be honest I always feel like I’m in a position where I’ve been put into an arena, with people and I think like, and it’s like, are you ready for this? But you take your opportunities and I’m not gonna be like, nah I’ll come back in a year!
Take it as it comes?
Yeah take it as it comes and I’ll take what people give me!
So what kind of music were you listening to when you were growing up?
To be honest the first album I ever bought was when I was 11, and it was Fear of A Black Planet by Public Enemy. My older brother was into Hip Hop like NWA, and I initially got into it ‘cause there was loads of swearing in it and I thought it was cool and got into his mixtapes and when I got some money I went and bought that and then all the Public Enemy albums I and moved onto all the US hip hop of the ‘90s. Even when kids were into pop music and rave I was into that and there wasn’t really anyone listening to that where I’m from, just a small group of my friends and we thought it was the business (laughs).
When it was fresh yeah!
Yeah, 9am every morning MTV Raps recorded!
Copying the dance moves yeah?
Yeah copying the dance moves, I actually thought I was Method Man for two years of my teenage life (laughs) I wanted to be him, it was crazy! From that I loved music and I started to listen to , dance muisc, house, and then I started playing as an r‘n’b and hip hop DJ when I was younger. By the time I finished university I’d started playing in clubs round Newcastle doing r‘n’b and hip hop and it paid well for being a student but by the end of it they’d be asking you to play Rhianna and Justin Timberlake I felt like I was selling my soul so as soon as I graduated I started playing house and dropped playing R&B and Hip Hop. That was just bedroom stuff though, I saw it as an expensive hobby. I like buying tunes. When I first met Jamie Jones and that in 2003, they always knew they wanted to be DJ’s, whereas I didn’t want to spend my 20’s broke. But as I got older and realised it was a risk I was more willing to take. It was my cousin that made me do it really, he was telling me to just do something I love, and I did, I went for it! It’s the best move I’ve ever made. So yeah, my main influences are disco and house, but from a young age it was hip hop and soul.
Yeah, you can really hear the influences of hip hop and soul in your productions.
Yeah, massively, yeah I use that all the time. If I do an album I’ve been thinking about making it full-on my take on hip-house, with the vocals and the really raw beats, you know. Maybe put on loads of rappers that I like.
You’re not giving away too much here are you?
Yeah I’ve just got an idea. I might even put on some vocals myself! (Laughs)
Can you rap as well yeah?
Haha, no I can’t rap! I could write some lyrics but it would sound ridiculous if I tried to rap! Rapping is not made for a Geordie accent! It hasn’t got the length in the verbs, you know.
You could do a novelty track! What’s been going on this summer for you?
This summer’s been the most hectic and amazing summer of my life! I don’t really know how to explain it. I didnt realise how hard DJ’s work. I went to Burning Man in Nevada, that was like the best time ever.
I saw pictures of you there!
Yeah! I’ve been to America, Ibiza loads, toured all over Europe. And then the culmination, probably the pinnacle of my career was playing at closing at DC10 in Ibiza. It was amazing, the best part of the year. I grew up raving in DC10 and having the chance to Play with all my mates was amazing!
You’ve been DJ’ing for years, but did you get that whole ‘ooh shit, I’m playing at DC10’?
Yeah I was like frantic, talking all fast , freaking out and pacing around! I was in like a deep state of meditation! Everyone was cooling me down with towels and everything but yeah, once you’ve played like two records it feels like you’ve been there all your life.
I’m sure a lot of DJ’s get the same thing...
Yeah I’m sure they do, but you know, it adds to you, if you haven’t got any nerves then... I’m new to this, I’m not seasoned like many others who can wake up half dead and just play a blinder. For me, I wanna be ready and prepare but you can never prepare yourself fully. I won’t lie to you, I was sh*tting my pants! This year I wanted to do two things, I wanted to play at Fabric and DC10 and I did both, I played at Fabric twice.
You’re playing again in two weeks aren’t you?
Yeah in two weeks. They were the two things that if I’d done, I could die a happy man. I did a really good job of them so hopefully will be back again at DC10 next year. Back in 2003, me and all my friends would be there on the terrace just like ‘I wanna do this!’
Positive thinking! What else have you got planned then?
This year we’ve got a Hot Natured party on new years day. It’s the first Hot Natured in the UK and it’s run by us. There’s been Hot Natured showcases but there’s never been anything run by us. It’s gonna be sick, it’s gonna be 1500 people, the line-up’s gonna be massive, gonna be all the Hot Natured crew.
Yeah gonna be massive, two special guests, gonna be the full Hot Natured experience. This is our party and we’re gonna do it properly. As for me personally, I’ve got a release coming out on Number 19, I’ve got remixes coming out soon. I’ve got to get one done for Heidis, Jack-a-Thon and Meta Records then I’ve got a couple of other things in the pipeline for Hot Natured. Because it was so busy in the summer it slows things down a bit for the production. You don’t realise how hectic it gets, like spending five or six days gigging in another country. But I know the moves I’ve got to make to maintain it and keep things going. I reckon it’s the difference between those guys who you wonder where they went, some of them probably realise it’s not even what they really wanted.
Yeah if you can’t stand the heat you’ve got to get out of the kitchen!
It’s not an easy job, but it’s the best job and I wouldn’t swap it for anything! I know I’m ready for it, but now doing it I can understand why it’s not for everyone. Jamie is a classic example of doing it big.
Yeah the amount of gigs he does and the amount of quality remixes he puts out
I’ve watched him tour for 14 days then get back and be in the studio for two days. He needs to chill out! (Laughs)
You’ll turn into that guy very soon!
Haha I don’t know about that!
So Richy Ahmed is in a good place right now?
I’m in a great place right now, yeah!
So, if you were stranded on a desert island, and you could take three famous people with you, who would it be?
Have to be someone funny first of all, I would pick maybe, Chris Rock, Kat Williams, someone that’s gonna entertain me, and I’d take a really good chef, I’d take Gordon Ramsey, I like him, he’s good, and you’d need some eye candy as well wouldn’t you. I’d want low maintenance, high output. I’ve heard Beyonce is quite mentally sound and she’s fit!
Nice one Richy, great speaking to you!
Richy is set to play a number of big events this month, for more information check out facebook.com/richy-ahmed
How long have you been in London? You’re originally from Leeds?
Well I’m originally from Newcastle but I then I lived in Leeds and then moved to London, like a natural progression, I think that’s what usually happens for people in music.
What made you want to move down to London then was that the music?
Basically the music, a lot of my friends are here, I was here every week and it just seemed like the natural thing to do, I was doing a degree in property management in Newcastle, but I wanted to transfer to London so I had to sit out the year, so I had a whole year in London to do what I wanted. That’s when I really thought to go for DJ-ing and to try do it professionally.
You haven’t been playing that long have you?
Well I’ve been bedroom DJ-ing for quite a few years, but professionally, like basically when I started with an agency, and went for it full time was since the beginning of last summer so like 15/16 months professionally!
So it’s been a crazy ride then! You used to play for Dirty Disco right?
Yeah I used to play for Dirty Disco; I used to play for wicked parties in Birmingham, and I used to run my own parties in Newcastle, I used to run Back to Basics in Newcastle and A night called Balance.. I used to throw parties just so I could play, that’s basically how I started the parties, but eventually I had this time off, and just thought let’s just go for it. I moved to London, moved in with my agent Will and Jamie, and I played for the Hot Nature Party, in fact it was me that put the Hot Nature Party on in Barcelona, well it was my idea. So then I played and what happened Dyed Soundoroms vinyl didn’t work, the needles didn’t work, so that enabled me to play his set. I took advantage of my opportunity and loads of press were there, then Jamie and Lee asked me to be resident for the Hot Nature parties. That’s when I started to produce as well.
Wow so this has been a whirlwind ride for you!
Yeah whirlwind yeah, to be honest I always feel like I’m in a position where I’ve been put into an arena, with people and I think like, and it’s like, are you ready for this? But you take your opportunities and I’m not gonna be like, nah I’ll come back in a year!
Take it as it comes?
Yeah take it as it comes and I’ll take what people give me!
So what kind of music were you listening to when you were growing up?
To be honest the first album I ever bought was when I was 11, and it was Fear of A Black Planet by Public Enemy. My older brother was into Hip Hop like NWA, and I initially got into it ‘cause there was loads of swearing in it and I thought it was cool and got into his mixtapes and when I got some money I went and bought that and then all the Public Enemy albums I and moved onto all the US hip hop of the ‘90s. Even when kids were into pop music and rave I was into that and there wasn’t really anyone listening to that where I’m from, just a small group of my friends and we thought it was the business (laughs).
When it was fresh yeah!
Yeah, 9am every morning MTV Raps recorded!
Copying the dance moves yeah?
Yeah copying the dance moves, I actually thought I was Method Man for two years of my teenage life (laughs) I wanted to be him, it was crazy! From that I loved music and I started to listen to , dance muisc, house, and then I started playing as an r‘n’b and hip hop DJ when I was younger. By the time I finished university I’d started playing in clubs round Newcastle doing r‘n’b and hip hop and it paid well for being a student but by the end of it they’d be asking you to play Rhianna and Justin Timberlake I felt like I was selling my soul so as soon as I graduated I started playing house and dropped playing R&B and Hip Hop. That was just bedroom stuff though, I saw it as an expensive hobby. I like buying tunes. When I first met Jamie Jones and that in 2003, they always knew they wanted to be DJ’s, whereas I didn’t want to spend my 20’s broke. But as I got older and realised it was a risk I was more willing to take. It was my cousin that made me do it really, he was telling me to just do something I love, and I did, I went for it! It’s the best move I’ve ever made. So yeah, my main influences are disco and house, but from a young age it was hip hop and soul.
Yeah, you can really hear the influences of hip hop and soul in your productions.
Yeah, massively, yeah I use that all the time. If I do an album I’ve been thinking about making it full-on my take on hip-house, with the vocals and the really raw beats, you know. Maybe put on loads of rappers that I like.
You’re not giving away too much here are you?
Yeah I’ve just got an idea. I might even put on some vocals myself! (Laughs)
Can you rap as well yeah?
Haha, no I can’t rap! I could write some lyrics but it would sound ridiculous if I tried to rap! Rapping is not made for a Geordie accent! It hasn’t got the length in the verbs, you know.
You could do a novelty track! What’s been going on this summer for you?
This summer’s been the most hectic and amazing summer of my life! I don’t really know how to explain it. I didnt realise how hard DJ’s work. I went to Burning Man in Nevada, that was like the best time ever.
I saw pictures of you there!
Yeah! I’ve been to America, Ibiza loads, toured all over Europe. And then the culmination, probably the pinnacle of my career was playing at closing at DC10 in Ibiza. It was amazing, the best part of the year. I grew up raving in DC10 and having the chance to Play with all my mates was amazing!
You’ve been DJ’ing for years, but did you get that whole ‘ooh shit, I’m playing at DC10’?
Yeah I was like frantic, talking all fast , freaking out and pacing around! I was in like a deep state of meditation! Everyone was cooling me down with towels and everything but yeah, once you’ve played like two records it feels like you’ve been there all your life.
I’m sure a lot of DJ’s get the same thing...
Yeah I’m sure they do, but you know, it adds to you, if you haven’t got any nerves then... I’m new to this, I’m not seasoned like many others who can wake up half dead and just play a blinder. For me, I wanna be ready and prepare but you can never prepare yourself fully. I won’t lie to you, I was sh*tting my pants! This year I wanted to do two things, I wanted to play at Fabric and DC10 and I did both, I played at Fabric twice.
You’re playing again in two weeks aren’t you?
Yeah in two weeks. They were the two things that if I’d done, I could die a happy man. I did a really good job of them so hopefully will be back again at DC10 next year. Back in 2003, me and all my friends would be there on the terrace just like ‘I wanna do this!’
Positive thinking! What else have you got planned then?
This year we’ve got a Hot Natured party on new years day. It’s the first Hot Natured in the UK and it’s run by us. There’s been Hot Natured showcases but there’s never been anything run by us. It’s gonna be sick, it’s gonna be 1500 people, the line-up’s gonna be massive, gonna be all the Hot Natured crew.
Yeah gonna be massive, two special guests, gonna be the full Hot Natured experience. This is our party and we’re gonna do it properly. As for me personally, I’ve got a release coming out on Number 19, I’ve got remixes coming out soon. I’ve got to get one done for Heidis, Jack-a-Thon and Meta Records then I’ve got a couple of other things in the pipeline for Hot Natured. Because it was so busy in the summer it slows things down a bit for the production. You don’t realise how hectic it gets, like spending five or six days gigging in another country. But I know the moves I’ve got to make to maintain it and keep things going. I reckon it’s the difference between those guys who you wonder where they went, some of them probably realise it’s not even what they really wanted.
Yeah if you can’t stand the heat you’ve got to get out of the kitchen!
It’s not an easy job, but it’s the best job and I wouldn’t swap it for anything! I know I’m ready for it, but now doing it I can understand why it’s not for everyone. Jamie is a classic example of doing it big.
Yeah the amount of gigs he does and the amount of quality remixes he puts out
I’ve watched him tour for 14 days then get back and be in the studio for two days. He needs to chill out! (Laughs)
You’ll turn into that guy very soon!
Haha I don’t know about that!
So Richy Ahmed is in a good place right now?
I’m in a great place right now, yeah!
So, if you were stranded on a desert island, and you could take three famous people with you, who would it be?
Have to be someone funny first of all, I would pick maybe, Chris Rock, Kat Williams, someone that’s gonna entertain me, and I’d take a really good chef, I’d take Gordon Ramsey, I like him, he’s good, and you’d need some eye candy as well wouldn’t you. I’d want low maintenance, high output. I’ve heard Beyonce is quite mentally sound and she’s fit!
Nice one Richy, great speaking to you!
Richy is set to play a number of big events this month, for more information check out facebook.com/richy-ahmed