19 Year Old Becomes Professional Mermaid
Other | Friday 12th December 2014 | billieek
Mermaid schools are becoming a worldwide phenomenon claiming to improve the participants fitness as well as fulfill many young girls fantasies of becoming a mermaid.
For 19 year old Andrea Liguori who has been attending mermaid schools since the age of eight, her lifelong dream to become a professional mermaid has come true. After battling against over 50 other girls in interviews and tryouts, Liguori is now a full time, professional mermaid. She travels all over the world with her detachable tail, performing tricks in water and posing for photographs with children who are equally as excited about mermaids as she was whilst growing up. 'I'd wanted to be a mermaid since I was three-years-old so when it finally happened I was so happy - it was a dream come true', Liguori stated.
Liguori seems thrilled with her new career, saying 'I am able to live my dream of swimming in the spring with my best friends and keeping the dream alive for other children around the world.'
Knowing that being a mermaid is a viable career path, children’s dreams of becoming a pop star or a princess will soon be replaced.