76 Arrests made during Eric Garner ‘die-in’ protest in London
In support of civil rights activists in the US, it is estimated that around 600 protesters in the UK staged a so-called ‘die in’ demonstration in London’s Westfield shopping centre in Shepard’s Bush. The UK protest mirrors many demonstrations across the US since the grand juries hearing on 3rd December which chose not to indict Justin Damico, a white New York police officer, after choke-holding black man Eric Garner to death.
‘Eric Garner!’ was repeatedly chanted amongst protesters, venting their anger for the death of the black 43 year old over a petty dispute with a policeman over selling untaxed cigarettes. The hashtag #wecantbreath is currently trending on social media and was also chanted throughout the protest. The distressing footage of the ‘chokehold’ was captured and is currently on the Guardian website.
76 arrests were made after a group of protesters apparently assaulted security staff and damaged property around Shepard’s Bush. The Metropolitan Police said officers used "containment for the purpose of preventing violence and effecting arrests".
"We will always work with those that wish to demonstrate lawfully - as the majority of protesters did yesterday (Wednesday)," Chief Superintendent Mark Bird said. "However, we will not tolerate the small minority that offer violence or commit other criminal acts, such as that witnessed outside Westfield."
The London protest organisers took to Facebook, explaining the unfairness of "the lack of consequences for Eric Garner's murder" and how the "institutionalised racism of police in both the US and the UK, and the continued murders of black people go unpunished".
Related articles:
Grand jury fails to indict officer over chokehold death