R.I.P Nokia, 1871-2014
Other | Thursday 23rd October 2014 | Matt
It's official, Nokia is no more. Microsoft announced yesterday that they will no longer be using the Nokia brand on their phones, less than a year after acquiring the rights to the Finnish telecommunications brand, and will be using the Lumia name on all their upcoming handsets. Although the Nokia company will live on, the days of it being a household name in the UK are over.
Nokia began life as a paper mill in Russia, way back in 1871. It gradually expanded to include a diverse range of operations, until it settled on electronics in the 60's. Nokia dominated the mobile market from the 80's to the early 00's, but then began to struggle against the much more advanced iPhone and, later, Android systems. Windows Phone, using the Nokia brand, continued to struggle against other handsets and their more established operating systems, until eventually Microsoft cut their losses and dropped the Nokia name.
For most of us, Nokia was the mobile phone of our early years. The 3310, Nokia's most famous handset, has sold more than 126 million units across the world, and chances are there's one lying around in a draw somewhere in your parent's house. We decided that this was a great opportunity to list our top 5 Nokia memories.
#5 – Completely Indestructible
Having a mobile phone as a teenager was essential; It was great to be able to contact your buddies whenever you wanted. Well, whenever you had credit. But even better than the freedom was the fact that it still worked if you dropped it in a urinal when you were drunk off the cheap cider you older brother bought you.
#4 – Interchangeable Phone Cases
Being able to completely change the way your phone looked once a month for £6.50 was great, not like those spoilt little bastards now who's parents buy them a new £600 handset every time there's an update.
#3 – 3-D writing
Classic 15 year old conversation;
“yeah man that's cool, can I borrow your lighter?
#2 – Never-ending battery life
Imagine a world where you didn't have to charge your phone for an entire day before a night out. This isn't fantasy; 10 or 12 years ago, one charge could last up to 20 days. Compared to the endless days of late night texting, the battery life of modern phones is pathetic
#1 - Snake
Forget Call of Duty, forget FIFA, the greatest game ever created came preloaded on the Nokia 3310, and was the cause of numerous lunchtime detentions for playing it under the desk.
Have we missed anything from this list? Tweet us at @guestlistdotnet and tell us your #NokiaNostalgia