
5 things to create 1/10th of a legacy like Mandela

Other | Tuesday 14th January 2014 | James

Nelson Mandela is and will always be a hero and an inspiration to us all. A man characterised by his integrity, kindness and completely focused drive, he has been and icon and an idol to the world, a reflection of what we could be as human beings.

Below are 5 things to help create 1/10th of a legacy like the man himself.

1) Embrace change – During the apartheid there were two types of people; one side fighting to keep the unequal & unjust system of the Apartheid and another fighting for freedom and liberation of a Nation. Even when your fellow peers and collaborators are being killed and kidnapped, it takes a strong will to continuing fighting for the cause. The idea of change is scary but it is inevitable. In your life do you want to be the person who continues to go with the norms or someone who makes a change?


2) Be a leader – Most people in life are used to following, Twitter is a prime example of humanity; instead of a ‘lead button’ there is a ‘Follow button’ but who really wants to be known as a follower. Even though many fought for the equalities of blacks in South Africa, Mandela is the name that is still stands the test of time. Followers are remembered but leaders leave legacies.


3)Accept opposition – In the African National Congress’s fight against racial oppression, the National Party was their biggest opposition, it was also the leading political party in South Africa. When you take charge and decide to do something different in life, there will always be at least a friend or even a relative who will miss the ‘old you’. The more you know yourself and your aims in life, the more you will hear “You can’t do that”. Only you can prove them wrong.



4)Keep a good circle- Going to prison, most people would think the story ends there. What Mandela had as his secret weapon were always the people who continued his fight when he physically unable to fight. Having the right people there through your high and lows is a must, to keep you focused on the end goal.


5)Stay Focused – Imagine spending a year in prison…. now imagine spending 27 years in prison, just the thought makes my stomach curl. Fighting for a cause you believe in, you have to be prepared to take a lost in some areas because just as those wins feel good, those loses are what truly build your character. Follow those five essentials and you can begin to build your 1/10th of a legacy Mandela.


James Childs