Siriusmo - German Electro is Krank!
House | Saturday 28th December 2013 | Ewan
Take one listen to Siriusmo and you're hooked. Who the hell is this guy anyway?
A little bit of snooping around on his facbook or discogs will tell you that his real name is Moritz Friedrich. Apparently he's very reclusive and takes critiscm a bit too seriously, leading to a very critical view of his own work. It seems he very rarely play's live gigs either, which is a terrible shame because, well.. give him a listen and you'll understand.
Moritz has released a stream of material spanning twelve years on various record labels. He's just released a new album which is like a breath of beautifully scented air in a very cold and lonely room. We want more Mortiz MORE!
His style can be described as naughty, playful, tounge in cheek and down-right filthy. There is a lot of playing around with samples, distorting them and turning them into something almost abstract. There is almost always an electricity in his music; a groove that makes you just want to jump, get up and get down with your bad self.
There are also themes of disco, summer and love in his music. A shout-out to all the good times and having fun.